North Hanover Township
Joint Land Use Board
August 23, 2017
7:30p.m. @ Municipal Complex
Call to Order
The August 23, 2017 meeting of the North Hanover Joint Land Use Board was called to order at 7:32pm by
Chairman Tom Kimball.
Flag Salute
Statement – Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act
“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met. Notice of this meeting has been transmitted to the Burlington County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested and paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the Municipal Building “
Roll Call For Attendance
Those in attendance: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Debbie Kucowski, Jack Smylie, Tom Kimball
Those absent: Joe Greene, Kevin Zimmer, Greg Grauer
Also in attendace: Gregory McGuckin Esq of Dasti, Murphy, McGuckin, Ulaky, Koutsouris & Connors, Josephy Hirsh of Environmental Resolutions
Minutes For Approval
Jim Durr made a motion to approve the March 22, 2017 minutes. The Motion was seconded by Dave Forsyth.
Lou DeLorenzo and Debbie Kucowski abstained from the vote; All in favor.
Application 2017-06- Use Variance- Wrightstown Partners LLC- Block 602 Lot 1- 545 Wrightstown-Sykesville
Tom Kimball stated wished to be carried to the October 25, 2017 meeting due to low board attendance.
Lou DeLorenzo made a motion to carry application 2017-06 to the October 25, 2017 meeting. Motion was seconded by Russ Comisky.
Roll Call: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Debbie Kucowski, Jack Smylie, Tom Kimball
Discussion on R-A Ordinance revisions
Edward Fox of the Burlington County Bridge Commission was sworn in by Land Use Attorney Gregory McGuckin. Mr. Fox stated that when the Township adopted a new R-A ordinance the PURD and GDP and
10 days after it was adopted Municipal Land Use Law changed. Mr. Fox stated that some changes have been recommended to fix some errors in the 2013 ordinance as well as bringing it into compliance with
Municipal Land Use Law. A new section for residential clustering was also recommended Mr. Fox stated that these changes would make it easier for the Township and applicant to preserve their land through
clustering easier. The Township must follow the template that DEP and SADC put together. Mr. Fox also stated that when the 2013 ordinance was done, it amended Chapter 16 but did not change Chapter 15
that Chapter 16 refers too. Mr. DeLorenzo asked what prompted this review of our ordinance. Mr. Fox stated there were preservation applications in process. During this process they were referred to Mr. Fox
for zoning. While reviewing our ordinance for the applications he found some issues with ordinance, at which time he reached out to the Township. Mr. Durr made a motion for the board secretary to draft a
memo to send the revisions to the Township Committee. Lou DeLorenzo seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Debbie Kucowski, Jack Smylie,
Tom Kimball
Request for filling extension for Lot Line Adjustment Approval- Paul Stutesman- Block 400 Lot 34- 90 Larrison Road
Vincent DeSimone attorney for Paul Stutesman was sworn in by Greg McGuckin. Mr. DeSimone asked for an extension for his client to file the lot line adjustment approved in Resolution 2016-06. The board
granted a six month extension.
Jim Durr made a motion to approve a six month extention. Motion was seconded by Ron DeBaecke.
Roll Call: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Debbie Kucowski, Jack Smylie,
Tom Kimball
Application 2017-06- Use Variance- Wrightstown Partners LLC- Block 602 Lot 1- 545 Wrightstown-Sykesville Road
North Hanover Township Land Use Attorney Gregory McGuckin, stated he spoke with the attorney for the applicant and they wish to be carried to the October 25, 2017 meeting. Lou DeLorenzo made a motion to
carry application 2017-06 to the October 25, 2017 meeting. Motion was seconded by Russ Comisky.
Roll Call: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Debbie Kucowski, Jack Smylie,
Tom Kimball
Application 2017-07-Bulk Variance and Site Plan Waiver- Tara’s Tavern- Block 903 Lot 42.01 & 48- 1 Cookstown- New Egypt Road
Sanford Schmitt attorney for the applicant was sworn in along with Tara Bruni and James Bruni the applicants. Mr. Bruni stated they are asking the board for a bulk variance to be able to expand near the
kitchen to allow for storage that is currently being stored outside. Mr. Bruni also stated that they will not be expanding the customer area. The engineer stated his review letter had a couple concerns. A yard
drain would be covered by the addition. Mr. Hirsh also stated that all that would be relocated from underneath the proposed addition. The proposed addition will be where the existing trailer and outside
storage is currently on the lot. Mr. Hirsh asked what happens in the outside work area. The applicants stated that is where they receive deliveries. It was also stated that there is a 6ft fence. It was asked the
area along the side of Meany Road that is the smoking area that it is in the right of way. Mr. Hirsh asked that they move it all onto their property as it is already hard to see when turning there. It was also asked
that parking be restricted in the space as well. Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Lou DeLorenzo made a motion to close public comment. Dave Forsyth seconded the motion; All in Favor. Jim
Durr made a motion to approve the Bulk Variances and Site Plan Waiver. Tom Kimball seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Debbie Kucowski, Tom
Abstain: Jack Smylie
Public Comment
Tim Palmer the owner of 520 Wrightstown-Sykesville Road that used to be an ice cream shop. The property has been vacant for a number of years. Mr. Palmer stated he was told that they would need a
variance. He asked if there is a way to expedite the process since he feels this will be a lower impact from the previous use. Mr. Durr stated the master plan was changed to promote more of a more commercial or
industrial use rather than retail. Mr. Durr also stated that the Master Plan was changed but zoning was never addressed. Mr. DeBaecke stated he spoke with the zoning officer and that the zoning has not been
updated in some time. Mr. McGuckin stated legally it is not a permitted use in the zone, so he would need a use variance or the Township would need to change the ordinance. If it is not permitted it is prohibited.
Mr. Hirsh stated he recommends a use variance and minor site plan and the fastest route. Mr. Hirsh stated is can be drawn over some sort of aerial view or survey. The applicant would need to give details of
the use and day to day use. Tom Kimball directed Mr. Palmer to reach out to the board secretary to give Mr. Palmer the application and walk him through the process.
Being there was no further public comment Lou DeLorenzo made a motion to close public comment.
Motion was seconded by Ron DeBaecke; All in favor
Board Discussion
Lou DeLorenzo wanted to thank Mr. Fox for coming out and helping the Township with revising the ordinance. Being no further board discussion Jim Durr made a motion to close board discussion. Ron
DeBaecke seconded the motion; All in Favor.
Correspondence- NONE
Lou DeLorenzo made a motion to adjourn at 8:26 pm. Ron DeBaecke seconded the motion; All in favor.