North Hanover Township
Joint Land Use Board
May 24, 2017
7:30p.m. @ Municipal Complex
Call to Order
The May 24, 2017 meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Kimball at 7:30pm.
Flag Salute
Statement – Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act
“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met. Notice of this meeting has been
transmitted to the Burlington County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested
and paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the Municipal Building “
Roll Call For Attendance
Those members in attendace:
Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBeacke, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Debbie Kucowski, Jack Smylie, Kevin
Zimmer, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball
Those members absent were:
Joe Greene
Also in attendance: Gregory McGuckin Esq of Dasti, Murphy, McGuckin, Ulaky, Koutsouris & Connors, Josephy
Hirsh of Environmental Resolutions.
Memorialization Resolution 2017- 07 –Filling Extension- Forbes- Block 700.01 Lot 2.04
Jim Durr made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-07, motion was seconded by Greg Grauer. All in Favor
BLOCK 700.01, LOT 2.04
, Kathy Forbes (hereinafter the “Applicant”) has previously applied for and received MinorSubdivision Approval and variance relief with respect to the property commonly known as Lot 2.04 in Block 700.01,
as shown on the official Tax Maps of North Hanover Township; and
, the Applicant now seeks a one-year extension of this previously granted approval with respectto the subject property; and
, this request for an extension was the subject of a public hearing held before the NorthHanover Township Joint Land Use Board on April 26, 2017; and
, at said hearing the Applicant’s son, Anthony Jantorno, testified that the conditions of the priorapproval have been nearly completed, however due to the holidays and the hospitalization of a family member,
the Applicant has not been able to complete the requirements as of this juncture; and
, the Applicant sought an extension of one (1) year with respect to this application; andWHEREAS
, said property has a common street address of 594 Monmouth Road and is located on thesoutherly side of Monmouth Road (County Route 537), just east of the intersection with Rahilly road; and
, the proposed Lot to be subdivided is 12.60 acres and currently contains one (1) residentialstructure and is partially farmed; and
, the previously granted subdivision approval would create one (1) new residential lot of 2.0acres for the construction of a future residence; and
, the property is located in the RA - Residential Agricultural Zoning District of the Municipality;and
, the Board is satisfied the Applicant has submitted sufficient reasons to grant the reliefrequested of a one-year time extension with respect to this application.
on this 24 day of May, 2017 by the North Hanover Land Use Board thatthe Applicant’s request for a one-year time extension be and hereby is approved subject to the Applicant
complying to all terms and conditions set forth in the preamble of this Resolution, and all terms and conditions of
the prior Resolution granting a Minor Subdivision Approval and variance relief; and
notice of this decision shall be published by the Applicant in the officialnewspapers of North Hanover Township; and
that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the following:1.
Burlington County Board of Health2.
Burlington County Planning Board3.
North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board;4.
Township Clerk; and5.
Zoning Officer.DATE ADOPTED: April 26, 2017
FOR ADOPTION: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Joe Greene, Jack Smylie, Greg Grauer, Tom
Memorialization Resolution 2017-08- Filling Extension- Farrell- Block 300 Lot 14
Greg Grauer made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-07, motion was seconded by Dave Forsyth. All in Favor
BLOCK 300, LOT 14
WHEREAS, Melvin J. Farrell (hereinafter the “Applicant”), has previously applied to the North Hanover
Township Land Use Board (hereinafter the "Board") seeking a one-year extension of a previously received
Minor Subdivision Approval with respect to the property commonly known as Lot 14 in Block 300, as shown on
the official tax maps of North Hanover Township; and
WHEREAS, the property has a common street address of 194 Paulson Road and is located on the westerly
side of Paulson Road (County Route 665); and
WHEREAS, the property currently contains multiple farm structures relating to farming activities, and the
previously approved Minor Subdivision creates one (1) new residential lot to consist of 10.289 acres to be
constructed in the future, with the remainder of the Lot to continue to support current farming activities; and
WHEREAS, the property is located in the RA - Residential Agricultural Zoning District of the Municipality;
WHEREAS, the Board has previously granted Minor Subdivision approval and variance relief for the
subject property, and the Applicant now seeks a one-year time extension with respect to same; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted the testimony of John Farrell who testified that the Applicant has
been working with the Burlington County Engineer’s Office and there is an existing backlog which has caused a
delay in finalizing the application, and therefore requests the extension of one (1) year of its previously
received approval; and
WHEREAS, this matter was the subject of a public hearing held before the North Hanover Joint Land Use
Board on April 26, 2017; and
WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied the Applicant has submitted sufficient reasons to grant the relief requested.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED on this 26 day of April, 2017 by the North Hanover Land Use Board that the
Applicant’s request for a one-year time extension with respect to its previously received approvals be and
hereby is approved subject to the applicant complying to all terms and conditions set forth in the preamble of
this Resolution, and the initial Resolution of approval granted in 2016; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED notice of this decision shall be published by the Applicant in the official newspapers
of North Hanover Township; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the following:
1. Burlington County Board of Health
2. Burlington County Planning Board
3. North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board;
4. Township Clerk; and
5. Zoning Officer.
DATE ADOPTED: April 26, 2017
FOR ADOPTION: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Joe Greene, Jack Smylie, Greg Grauer,
Tom Kimbal
Estate of Marguerite Southard Filing Extension Request- Block 400 Lot 57.01 & 57.02
Dave Forsyth stepped down from the dais to recuse himself. Russ Comisky Alternate stepped up to dais to
take his place.
Mr. Dave Forsyth was sworn in as the applicant asking for a filling extension for a minor subdivision approved
in Resolution 2016-08. Mr. Forsyth Stated that after issues with his attorney he has hired a new attorney to
get the paperwork filled. The board asked if a year would be sufficient to get the work done and Mr. Forsyth
agreed it would. Tom Kimball opened to the floor to public comment. Lou DeLorenzo made a motion to close
public comment, motion was seconded by Greg Grauer. All in favor.
Jim Durr made a motion to approve a one year filling extension, Debbie Kucowski seconded the motion. All in
Dave Forsyth returned to the dais, and Russ Comisky remained at the dais.
Application 2017-05- Use Variance- DO Properties- 561 Monmouth Road- Block 501 Lot 1.06
Jim Durr stepped down and recused himself as an ad joiner to the applicant’s property. Lou DeLorenzo
stepped down as a Class I member and Ron DeBeacke stepped down as a Class III Member and members of
the Township Committee.
Josh Gorski attorney for DO Properties was sworn in. The property is in an R-A zone and operating as a home
occupation. Last year his applicant received a letter from the Township stating they had been made aware he
no longer lived at the property and was no longer in compliance of the Home occupation ordinance. Mr.
Oshidar spoke with the dentist who was renting the house out and after some confusion about who was
supposed to apply for the use variance, Mr. Darius Oshidar Principal of DO Properties applied for the variance
as the landlord. The property has been operating as a dental office since 1996. They do not plan to change
anything about the site. The property is a mixed use. The upstairs is a 2 bedroom apartment proposed to be
rented out and the bottom level is the dental office that is now in need of the use variance. Mr. Gorski
submitted a certification from the tenant who is practicing in the space currently. The certification was
marked as A-1. The certification addresses the issues brought up in the engineering letter in reference to the
number of chairs and hours of operation. Mr. Darius Oshidar was sworn in. Mr. Gorski asked Mr.Hirsh in
reference to his letter what the town would like for the trash enclosure. Mr. Hirsh stated something opaque.
Mr. Oshidar agreed this would not be a problem if the dumpster is kept. It was testified that their deliveries
are regular deliveries from Fed Ex or UPS. There are currently 10 parking spaces with one of them are ADA.
Mr.Oshidar agreed to restripe and put new signage up as per code for the ADA space. The board had no
problems with the current parking. Mr.Gorski stated there are 2 separate entrances. There is a door that
connects the two separate areas that would be locked. Mr. Kimball asked if there were two means of egress.
Mr.Oshidar stated that yes there were. The engineers report stated there was only ground lighting but they
did testify that there is overhead light and believe it to be sufficient. Mr. Gorski stated they would work with
the township if they would like more. It was recommended by the Mr.McGuckin the Land Use Engineer that
the condition of approval be specific to the current use, if anything changes including hours of operation or
number of employees they would need to come back to the board for approvals. Chairman Tom Kimball
opened the floor to public comment. Mr. Jim Durr was sworn in as a resident of North Hanover and neighbor
to the applicant. Mr. Durr stated he has been a neighbor since 1998. He stated that they have never caused
any problems and has been professionally landscaped to hide the use. He believes this business is as asset to
the town, and does not see any negative impact to the town. Greg Grauer made a motion to close public
comment, Tom Kimball seconded the motion. All if favor.
Greg Grauer made a motion to approve application 2017-05, motion was seconded by Kevin Zimmer.
Roll Call: Russ Comisky, Dave Forsyth, Debbie Kucowski, Jack Smylie, Kevin Zimmer, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball
Ron DeBeacke, Lou DeLorenzo and Jim Durr returned to the dais.
Public Comment
Greg Grauer made a motion to close public comment as there was no public to comment. Motion was
seconded by Kevin Zimmer. All in favor.
Board Discussion
Greg Grauer made a motion to close board discussion, motion was seconded by Kevin Zimmer. All in favor.
Kevin Zimmer made a motion to adjourn at 7:59. Motion was seconded by Greg Grauer. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted by,
Alexandra DeGood
JLU Board Secretary
Approved: October 25, 2017