Joint Land Use Board


November 15, 2017

7:30p.m. @ Municipal Complex


Call to Order

The North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Chairman Tom Kimball.


Flag Salute


Statement – Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act

“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met.  Notice of this meeting has been transmitted to the Burlington County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested and paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the Municipal Building “


Roll Call For Attendance

Those members present were:

Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Lou DeLorenzo, Dave Forsyth, Joe Greene, Debbie Kucowski,  Kevin Zimmer, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball

Those absent were:

Russ Comisky, Jack Smylie

Also in attendance:

Gregory McGuckin Esq of Dasti, Murphy, McGuckin, Ulaky,  Koutsouris & Connors and Gregory McGuckin Esq of Dasti, Murphy, McGuckin, Ulaky,  Koutsouris & Connors and Joseph Hirsh of Environmental Resolutions.


Minutes For Approval

Kevin Zimmer made a motion to approve June 28, 2017 Minutes. Debbie Kucowksi seconded the motion. Greg Grauer and Tom Kimball abstained; all in favor


Tom Kimball made a motion to approve August 23, 2017 Minutes. Lou DeLorenzo seconded the motion. Greg Grauer and Kevin Zimmer abstained; all in favor


Memorialization of Resolution 2017-15- Use Variance- Wrightstown Partners LLC- Block 602 Lot 1- 545 Wrightstown-Sykesville Road

Kevin Zimmer made a motion to memorialize Resolution 2017-15. Motion was seconded by Greg Grauer. Ron DeBaeck and Lou DeLorenzo abstained; All in favor




RESOLUTION 2017 - 15





BLOCK 602, LOT 1


                WHEREAS, Wrightstown Partners, LLC (the Applicant), has applied to the North Hanover Township Land Use Board (the Board) seeking Use Variance Relief with respect to the property commonly known as Lot 1 in Block 602, as shown on the official tax maps of North Hanover Township; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant has been represented by R. William Potter, Esquire, and has submitted the testimony of Nicholas Graviano, a Professional Planner of the State of New Jersey, who is qualified and accepted by the Board as an expert witness in this matter; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant is the owner of the “Wrightstown Arms Apartment Complex” which is located in Wrightstown, New Jersey, and the property, which is the subject of this application, is located north of the existing apartment complex and adjacent to Byron Drive, which is a private roadway that provides access to the apartments; and

                WHEREAS, the southerly property line of the site is also the municipal boundary between North Hanover Township and Wrightstown Borough; and

                WHEREAS, the property contains approximately 4.78 acres and the Applicant is proposing to construct a maximum of twenty-four (24) townhouse dwelling units on the subject property; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes that the buildings would be two-stories in height with individual units consisting of two-bedroom and one and a half baths; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes an internal access drive with perpendicular parking stalls to be extended from Byron Drive, and all proposed utility service to be provided by the Wrightstown Municipal Utilities Authority; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant recognizes any of the approvals granted herein by this Board are conditioned upon the Applicant applying for an receiving from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection a Sewer Service Map Amendment for the subject property; and

                WHEREAS, the property is located in the C-1 Commercial Zoning District of the Township of North Hanover and is currently wooded and vacant; and

WHEREAS, a plumbing supply facility is located mainly east of the subject tract and a loading area servicing the Ames Plaza is located to the north; and

WHEREAS, in support of this application the Applicant submitted a Variance Plan prepared by Nicholas Graviano, AICP, P.P., dated May 14, 2017, Architectural Plans prepared by Thomas W. Gillis, dated June 28, 2017, and a submission letter prepared by Yosef Kahn, YK Group, LLC, dated June 29, 2017; and

                WHEREAS, the proposed townhouses are not a permitted use in the zone and the Applicant requires use variance relief to permit their construction; and

WHEREAS, at the time of the public hearing on this matter the Applicant submitted into evidence the following Exhibits:

Exhibit A-1. Will-serve letter of the Wrightstown Municipal Utilities

Authority for water and sewer service;


                Exhibit A-2.                        Public Notice;

                Exhibit A-3.                        Plan submitted and identified above; and

                WHEREAS, this matter was the subject of a public hearing held before the North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board on October 25, 2017; and

WHEREAS, prior to said hearing the Board had an opportunity to review the report of the Board’s Consulting Planner and Engineer dated July 21, 2015, which report is incorporated herein by reference; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant testified that they would provide for a cross-access easement for use of all recreational facilities located on the Wrightstown side of the project where the Wrightstown Apartments are located; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant presented sufficient testimony to establish that uses which are otherwise permitted in the C-1 Zone in North Hanover would not be appropriate for the site in question as there would be no access, nor any visibility, from North Hanover Township; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant’s expert testified that there would be two (2) compatible uses located next to each other in the event the relief was granted; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant presented testimony establishing its special reasons for the relief sought as well as the positive criteria noting that the private driveway would serve similar uses, the site is not an appropriate site for retail use and that the use proposed is superior as opposed to commercial use due to its location and inaccessibility; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant testified that the purposes of zoning would be advanced by providing a desirable visual environment, appropriate space and location for different types of uses, the plan presented is compatible with other municipal uses and development in the adjoining municipality while the proposed use would advance the general welfare; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant further testified there would not be a negative impact from providing twenty-four (24) two-bedroom one and a half bath units to the Township Zoning Plan or neighborhood scheme as there are apartments located directly adjacent thereto; and

WHEREAS, the plan includes for the project to be a rental complex, not a fee simple development, and consequently there would be no Homeowners Association involved; and

WHEREAS, the Board did discuss a number of conditions which would apply to any approvals as follows:

1.       The Applicant shall provide for an easement for any and all surrounding property owners to connect to utilities on Byron Drive, however, the Applicant shall not be required to prepare any infrastructure or improvements and any connection to the said utilities by adjoining property owners shall be at the sole cost and expense of those seeking to connect thereto however, this Applicant shall permit same;

2.       The Applicant shall submit a maintenance plan for Byron Drive, which must be approved by the Board Engineer;

3.       The Applicant shall provide for an easement to be approved by the Board Engineer and Attorney as to both the maintenance to Byron Drive by the Applicant and the owner of the Wrightstown Arms Apartments so that in the event should the Wrightstown Arms Apartments be conveyed, sold or transferred, a Deed Restriction will apply with respect to the maintenance of Byron Drive to that property owner to insure the means and access to the apartments which will be located in North Hanover Township;

4.       As part of the Applicant’s submittal to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for extension of sewer to this project, the Applicant shall include within that application any and all properties located within North Hanover Township within 750 ft. of the subject property and in addition to being a condition herein, the Applicant stipulated to same prior to the vote taken herein; and

WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied the Applicant has submitted sufficient reasons to grant the relief requested; and

                WHEREAS, it appears that all requisite fees and taxes have been paid in full to date; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED on this 25th day of October, 2017 that the Applicant’s request for Use Variance Relief be and hereby is approved subject to the Applicant complying to all terms and conditions set forth in the preamble of this Resolution; and

                IN SO APPROVING the Applicant’s request for variance relief, the Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover has made the following findings of fact and conclusions of law and further declares:

1.                  The Applicant has a proprietary interest in this application.

2.                  All requisite fees and real estate property taxes have been paid in full to date.

3.                  The Applicant has complied with all notification requirements of the municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.

4.                  The application is a “complete application” as defined by the municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.

5.                  The application is a substantial compliance with the zone plan and will not unduly impact upon the neighborhood scheme.

6.                  The Land Use Board adopts the preamble of this Resolution as its findings of facts and has relied upon these findings in the decision rendered by the Board.

7.                  The Applicant has submitted sufficient reasons to grant the requested relief herein.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is further conditioned upon the following:


1.                The receipt by the applicant of all approvals and compliance with all permit conditions from any Federal, State, County or local regulatory agency having jurisdiction over this application.  Upon receipt of such approvals, the applicant shall provide a copy of any permit or written evidence of approval to the Board and its professional staff.  If any agency requires a change in the plans approved by the Board, the applicant must reapply to the Board for approval of that change.

2.                The applicant shall provide a statement from the North Hanover Township Tax Collector that all taxes are paid in full as of the date of this resolution and as of the date of the fulfillment of any conditions in this resolution and the failure to provide such a statement shall render this resolution null and void abs initio.

3.                The applicant shall reimburse the Board for all professional fees extended or expended with regard to this application.

4.                The applicant shall comply with all provisions of the reports of the Board’s professional engineer and planner except as modified herein.

5.                The applicant shall comply with all representations made before the Board by its attorney, engineer and other expert witnesses as the Board has specifically relied upon those representations in granting the approvals set forth herein.  Failure to comply with such representations will render any approvals herein null and void ab initio.

6.                Applicants shall resubmit this entire proposal for re-approval should there be any deviation from the terms and conditions of this resolution or the documents submitted as part of this application, all of which are made a part hereof and shall be binding on the applicant.

7.                Applicant shall post an inspection fund with the Township Clerk in an amount to be determined by the Township Engineer.

8.                Unless specifically modified herein, the applicants shall comply with all terms and conditions of all prior resolutions of the North Hanover Township Planning Board regarding this application.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the following:

1.       Burlington County Board of Health

2.       Burlington County Planning Board

3.       North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board;

4.       Township Clerk; and

5.       Zoning Officer.



DATE ADOPTED:  October 25, 2017


DATE MEMORIALIZED: November 15, 2017


FOR ADOPTION: Jim Durr, Dave Forsyth, Joe Greene, Debbie Kucowski, Kevin Zimmer, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball




Memorialization of Resolution 2017-16- Minor Site Plan- Scott Alvik- Block 800 Lot 70.03- 158 Meany Road

Greg Grauer made a motion to memorialize Resolution 2017-16. Motion was seconded by Ron DeBaecke; all in favor




RESOLUTION 2017 - 16





BLOCK 800, LOT 70.03


                WHEREAS, Scott Alvik (the Applicant), has applied to the North Hanover Township Land Use Board (the Board) seeking Minor Site Plan Approval with respect to the property commonly known as Lot 70.03 in Block 800, as shown on the official tax maps of North Hanover Township; and

                WHEREAS, the property has a street address of 158 Meany Road in North Hanover and is currently located in the Industrial Zoning District of the municipality; and

                WHEREAS, properties located immediately to the north, south and west are likewise located in the Industrial Zoning District; and

                WHEREAS, the property located directly across Meany Road is Zoned R-A; and

                WHEREAS, the property is currently improved with a 5,000 sq. ft. building, stone driveway and parking area, drainage basin, septic system and potable well; and

                WHEREAS, in support of this application the Applicant has submitted a site plan, Sheet 1 of 2, dated August 17, 2006, revised to October 21, 2008, prepared by T.I.D.E.S. Co., Inc., a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Sheet 2 of 2, dated August 17, 2006, revised to October 21, 2008, prepared by T.I.D.E.S. Co., Inc. and a one page survey dated September 14, 2017, prepared by Maser Surveying, LLC; and

                WHEREAS, this matter was the subject of a public hearing held before the North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board on October 25, 2017; and

                WHEREAS, prior to said hearing the Board had an opportunity to review the October 20, 2017, Engineer Review Report of the Board’s Consulting Engineer Joseph R. Hirsh, P.E., which report is incorporated herein by reference; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant is not seeking any variance relief and testified that his business is known as the “Cabin Doctor”, which business performs restorations of log homes; and

                WHEREAS, the proposed business is unique in nature and the Applicant has been working out of this home for a number of years; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant’s business has reached the point where he needs a separate office facility and wants to use the existing building for said purposes as well as for the storage of materials only, similar to a warehouse; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant currently has two (2) service trucks and the company is small in nature with at the most four (4) vehicles at any one time being located on site; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant does not provide any retail type facilities for customers nor is there any showroom located or proposed herein; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted into evidence the following Exhibits:

                                Exhibit A-1.                        Photograph of handicapped parking space;

                                Exhibit A-2.                        Driveway access;

                                Exhibit A-3.                        Photos of service trailer;

                                Exhibit A-4.                        Photos of service trailer;

                                Exhibit A-5.                        Photos of building lighting; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant testified they would comply with all terms and conditions set forth in the review letter of the Board’s Engineer; and

WHEREAS, the Board did discuss a number of conditions which would apply to any approvals granted herein are as follows:

1.       The Applicant shall not provide for or permit the outside storage of any materials on site;

2.       The Applicant shall enclose the dumpster, provide a concrete pad for same and provide a plan, which must be approved by the Board Engineer with respect to same; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant is further required to provide handicapped parking on site per the 2008 approved plan; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant testified they are not proposing any changes to what was previously approved in 2008; and

WHEREAS, based upon the relatively minor nature of this application, the prior approval granted in 2008 for a similar type of use and the fact the Applicant does not require any variance relief and the use proposed is permitted in the zone, the Board is amenable to granting the relief requested as conditioned on the issues set forth above and upon compliance by the Applicant with the Engineer Review Letter of October 20, 2017; and

                NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED on this 25th day of October, 2017 that the Applicant’s request for Minor Site Plan Approval be and hereby is approved subject to the Applicant complying to all terms and conditions set forth in the preamble of this Resolution; and

                IN SO APPROVING the Applicant’s request for variance relief, the Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover has made the following findings of fact and conclusions of law and further declares:

8.                  The Applicant has a proprietary interest in this application.

9.                  All requisite fees and real estate property taxes have been paid in full to date.

10.               The Applicant has complied with all notification requirements of the municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.

11.               The application is a “complete application” as defined by the municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.

12.               The application is a substantial compliance with the zone plan and will not unduly impact upon the neighborhood scheme.

13.               The Land Use Board adopts the preamble of this Resolution as its findings of facts and has relied upon these findings in the decision rendered by the Board.

14.               The Applicant has submitted sufficient reasons to grant the requested relief herein.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is further conditioned upon the following:


1.                The receipt by the applicant of all approvals and compliance with all permit conditions from any Federal, State, County or local regulatory agency having jurisdiction over this application.  Upon receipt of such approvals, the applicant shall provide a copy of any permit or written evidence of approval to the Board and its professional staff.  If any agency requires a change in the plans approved by the Board, the applicant must reapply to the Board for approval of that change.

2.                The applicant shall provide a statement from the North Hanover Township Tax Collector that all taxes are paid in full as of the date of this resolution and as of the date of the fulfillment of any conditions in this resolution and the failure to provide such a statement shall render this resolution null and void abs initio.

3.                The applicant shall reimburse the Board for all professional fees extended or expended with regard to this application.

4.                The applicant shall comply with all provisions of the reports of the Board’s professional engineer and planner except as modified herein.

5.                The applicant shall comply with all representations made before the Board by its attorney, engineer and other expert witnesses as the Board has specifically relied upon those representations in granting the approvals set forth herein.  Failure to comply with such representations will render any approvals herein null and void ab initio.

6.                Applicants shall resubmit this entire proposal for re-approval should there be any deviation from the terms and conditions of this resolution or the documents submitted as part of this application, all of which are made a part hereof and shall be binding on the applicant.

7.                Applicant shall post an inspection fund with the Township Clerk in an amount to be determined by the Township Engineer.

8.                Unless specifically modified herein, the applicants shall comply with all terms and conditions of all prior resolutions of the North Hanover Township Planning Board regarding this application.




BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the following:

6.       Burlington County Board of Health

7.       Burlington County Planning Board

8.       North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board;

9.       Township Clerk; and

10.   Zoning Officer.



DATE ADOPTED: October 25, 2017


DATE MEMORIALIZED: November 15, 2017


FOR ADOPTION: Ron DeBaecke, Lou DeLorenzo, Jim Durr, Dave Forsyth, Joe Greene, Debbie Kucowski, Kevin Zimmer, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball








Memorialization of Resolution2017-17- Minor Site Plan and Variance- Palmer  Trust- Block 608 Lot 8 520 Wrightstown-Sykesville Road

 Greg Grauer made a motion to memorialize Resolution 2017-17. Motion was seconded by Jim Durr. Ron DeBaecke and Lou DeLorenzo abstained; all in favor




RESOLUTION 2017 - 17





BLOCK 608, LOT 8


                WHEREAS, Timothy Palmer (the Applicant), has applied to the North Hanover Township Land Use Board (the Board) seeking Use Variance Relief along with Minor Site Plan Approval with respect to the property commonly known as Lot 8 in Block 608, as shown on the official tax maps of North Hanover Township; and

                WHEREAS, the property is owned by the Palmer Trust; and

                WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes to utilize the property as an HVAC contractor’s office and storage use; and

                WHEREAS, the property is located on a corner lot with frontage on both Wrightstown-Sykesville Road and Elizabeth Street within the municipality and contains approximately 26,500 sq. ft. (0.6 acres); and

                WHEREAS, the property is currently occupied by a two-story masonry building and a separate one-story frame residence located behind it; and

                WHEREAS, based upon the testimony and plan submitted, it appears that the two-story masonry building includes two (2) apartments on the second floor thereof; and

                WHEREAS, access to the property is provided through an existing stone driveway that extends from the brick building to Wrightstown-Sykesville Road and a portion of its Elizabeth Street frontage; and

                WHEREAS, the property is situated within the C-2 Zoning District of the Municipality; and

WHEREAS, in support of this application, the Applicant has submitted a proposed Variance Plan prepared by Nicholas Graviano, AICP, P.P., dated May 14, 2017, a survey prepared by A-1 Land Surveyors Inc. dated May 26, 2005, a Planners Survey prepared by John E. Gauntt Associates, Inc. dated March 30, 1993, as well as various supporting documents; and

                WHEREAS, this matter was the subject of a public hearing held before the North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board on October 25, 2017; and

WHEREAS, prior to said hearing, the Board had an opportunity to review the report of the Board’s Consulting Planner and Engineer dated October 20, 2017, which report is incorporated herein by reference; and

                WHEREAS, Timothy Palmer testified in support of the application indicating that he intends to lease the subject property to a licensed electrician and HVAC contractor; and

WHEREAS, the testimony reveals that the property had been previously utilized as an ice cream and flower shop, which had a much higher use than that proposed currently; and

                WHEREAS, the proposed electrical and HVAC business is considered a “service business” according to the testimony with the employees arriving early in the morning and coming back at the end of the day; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant further testified that the proposed contractor would employ approximately four (4) employees and has two (2) box trucks and a small bucket truck; and

                WHEREAS, there is a service van which goes home every night with an employee and the hours of operation would generally be Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with rare hours on Saturday and Sunday being closed; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant’s testimony reveals that approximately one (1) person, and perhaps two (2) at most, would be located on site during most of the daytime hours; and

WHEREAS, the Board did discuss a number of conditions which would apply to any approvals granted and are herein as follows:

1.       The Applicant shall insure that all deliveries are provided by way of box truck and/or FedEx or UPS delivery vehicles and no tractor trailers will be permitted on site;

2.       No fabrication shall be permitted on site and same shall be utilized only for office uses and storage purposes and not manufacturing, fabrication, etc.;

3.       All parking shall be located to the right side of the building and not in the front portion of same; and

                WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied the Applicant has submitted sufficient reasons to grant the relief requested, particularly in view of the prior use of the property and the limited nature of the type of use proposed herein; and

WHEREAS, the Board further notes that while HVAC contracting businesses are not specifically permitted in the C-2 Zone, there are other uses which are permitted in the zone which are of similar nature and impact; and

WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied the Applicant has submitted evidence as to both the positive and negative criteria of the statutory requirements to justify a use variance and that special reasons exist to grant the requested relief based upon the particular suitability of the subject property for the use proposed; and

                WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied the application will advance the purposes of the Municipal Land Use Law and will not have a negative impact upon the Township’s Master Plan or Zoning Ordinances, while there will not be a substantial detriment to the public good if the variance relief is granted; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant shall be required to provide a parking plan which must be approved by the Board Engineer and shall also provide a berm between the masonry building and Elizabeth Avenue; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant shall further provide a plan to show the edge of the proposed grass line thereby delineating and redefining the parking lot area which will be crushed stone; and

                WHEREAS, the Board ultimately determined that fencing would not be required however, the Applicant shall be required to comply with all ADA accessibility requirements and no additional site lighting is required; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant agreed to submit a proposed trash plan which plan must be approved by the Board Engineer and shall amend the plan to indicate where the septic systems and well services are located; and

WHEREAS, with these conditions the Board would be amenable to grant the relief requested; and

                WHEREAS, it appears that all requisite fees and taxes have been paid in full to date; and


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED on this 25th day of October, 2017 that the Applicant’s request for Use Variance Relief and Minor Site Plan Approval be and hereby is approved subject to the Applicant complying to all terms and conditions set forth in the preamble of this Resolution; and

                IN SO APPROVING the Applicant’s request for variance relief, the Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover has made the following findings of fact and conclusions of law and further declares:

15.               The Applicant has a proprietary interest in this application.

16.               All requisite fees and real estate property taxes have been paid in full to date.

17.               The Applicant has complied with all notification requirements of the municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.

18.               The application is a “complete application” as defined by the municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.

19.               The application is a substantial compliance with the zone plan and will not unduly impact upon the neighborhood scheme.

20.               The Land Use Board adopts the preamble of this Resolution as its findings of facts and has relied upon these findings in the decision rendered by the Board.

21.               The Applicant has submitted sufficient reasons to grant the requested relief herein.




BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is further conditioned upon the following:


1.                The receipt by the applicant of all approvals and compliance with all permit conditions from any Federal, State, County or local regulatory agency having jurisdiction over this application.  Upon receipt of such approvals, the applicant shall provide a copy of any permit or written evidence of approval to the Board and its professional staff.  If any agency requires a change in the plans approved by the Board, the applicant must reapply to the Board for approval of that change.

2.                The applicant shall provide a statement from the North Hanover Township Tax Collector that all taxes are paid in full as of the date of this resolution and as of the date of the fulfillment of any conditions in this resolution and the failure to provide such a statement shall render this resolution null and void abs initio.

3.                The applicant shall reimburse the Board for all professional fees extended or expended with regard to this application.

4.                The applicant shall comply with all provisions of the reports of the Board’s professional engineer and planner except as modified herein.

5.                The applicant shall comply with all representations made before the Board by its attorney, engineer and other expert witnesses as the Board has specifically relied upon those representations in granting the approvals set forth herein.  Failure to comply with such representations will render any approvals herein null and void ab initio.

6.                Applicants shall resubmit this entire proposal for re-approval should there be any deviation from the terms and conditions of this resolution or the documents submitted as part of this application, all of which are made a part hereof and shall be binding on the applicant.

7.                Applicant shall post an inspection fund with the Township Clerk in an amount to be determined by the Township Engineer.

8.                Unless specifically modified herein, the applicants shall comply with all terms and conditions of all prior resolutions of the North Hanover Township Planning Board regarding this application.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the following:

11.   Burlington County Board of Health

12.   Burlington County Planning Board

13.   North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board;

14.   Township Clerk; and

15.   Zoning Officer.


DATE ADOPTED:  October 25, 2017      


DATE MEMORIALIZED: November 15, 2017


FOR ADOPTION: Jim Durr, Dave Forsyth, Joe Greene, Debbie Kucowski, Kevin Zimmer, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball






Application 2017-02- Bulk Variance- Great Northeastern Enterprises- Block 402 Lot 16- 86 Streeker

Chuck Petron was sworn in as Attorney for the applicant Great Northeastern.  Jack Asay partner in Great Northeastern was also sworn in. Mr. Petron stated the applicant is contracted to buy 86 Streeker Road with the intent to build a 4 bedroom, 2 ½ bath, and 2300 sq ft. Mr. Petron entered the following into the record:

A-1 photos of the proposed house

A-2 photos of the property

A-3 photos of the existing trailer

A-4 photos of the neighboring homes

A-5 photos of homes across the street

Mr. Petron stated that the proposed home is in line with the homes in the neighborhood. The proposed price would be approximately $389. Mr. Asay stated that they cannot go smaller on the size of the home because the bedroom sizes would not be adequate. Mr. Asay believes 4 bedroom is what is desirable in the area. Mr. Petron stated there is no impact on the zone or the Master Plan.

Mr. Hirsh Township and Board engineer stated the lot is undersized and does not meet lot area, frontage, depth, front, side or rear setback requirements. It was stated that all perk testing came back ok. Mr. Hirsh asked if a basement was proposed and Mr. Asay stated yes there was. Mike Avila was sworn in and accepted as a professional in his field. They asked for a “C-1” Variance/ Hardship Variance. They believe this to be an improvement from the prior condition of the parcel.

Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Lou DeLorenzo made a motion to close public comment. Greg Grauer seconded the motion; all in favor

Jim Durr made a motion to approve the application. The motion was seconded by Dave Forsyth. Roll Call: Jim Durr-Yes, Lou DeLorenzo-Yes, Dave Forsyth –Yes, Joe Greene-Yes, Kevin Zimmer-Yes, Greg  Grauer-Yes;


Public Comment

Greg Grauer made a motion to close public comment as there was no public to comment. Motion seconded by Ron DeBaecke; all in favor

Board Discussion

The board discussed dates for the 2018 Re-Organization meeting. It was decided the meeting date would January 10, 2018 at 7:30. It was discussed no professionals will be needed at the meeting.


Greg Grauer made a motion to close board discussion. Motion was seconded by Tom Kimball; all in favor.






Greg Grauer made a motion to adjourn at 7:50pm. Motion was seconded by Ron DeBaecke; all in favor.



Respectfully submitted,



Alexandra DeGood

Joint Land Use Board Secretary