Joint Land Use Board
December 23, 2020
7:00 p.m. @ Municipal Complex
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Call to Order: 7:00
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the December 23, 2020 Special Land Use Board
Flag Salute
Statement – Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act
“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met.
Notice of this meeting has been transmitted to the Burlington
County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested and
paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the
Municipal Building “
Roll Call for Attendance
In attendance: Russ Comisky, Joe Greene, Debbie Kucowski, Wayne
Voorhees, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball
Absent: Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Brendan O’Donnell, Patricia Mellor, Jack
Memorialization of Resolution 2020-15- Bulk Variance- Dale South and Amy
Liedtka- 130 Jacobstown-New Egypt Road- Block 401 Lot 42
Tom Kimball made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-15. Greg Grauer
seconded. All in favor.
Memorialization of Resolution 2020-16- Use Variance- Saamir A-Ali- 15
Georgetown Road- Block 609 Lot 3
Greg Grauer made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-16. Joe Greene
seconded. All in favor
Public Comment
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public
to comment, Debbie Kucowski made a motion to close public comment. Tom
Kimball seconded the motion. All in favor.
Board Discussion
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to board discussion. Greg Grauer
asked if RFP’s have gone out for professionals. Board Secretary
Alexandra DeGood stated they have been received and should have the list
shortly but believes it was the same submittals as last year.
Correspondence- NONE
Adjournment: 7:03
Greg Grauer made a motion to adjourn. Tom Kimball seconded the motion
all in favor.