Joint Land Use Board
January 26, 2020
7:00p.m. @ Municipal Complex
Chairman Tom Kimball called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Chairman Tom Kimball led the flag salute
“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met.
Notice of this meeting has been transmitted to the Burlington
County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested and
paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the
Municipal Building “
Also in attendance was Board Engineer Joseph Hirsh, and filling in for
Board Attorney Jerry Dasti.
Minutes for Approval
Greg Grauer made a motion to approve the October 23, 2019 meeting
minutes, Ron DeBaecke seconded the motion, All in Favor, Jim Durr
Greg Grauer made a motion to approve the January 8, 2020 Re-Organization
meeting minutes, Ron DeBaecke seconded the motion, All in Favor, Jim
Durr Abstained.
Application 2020-01- Owen/Mellor Subdivision
Richard Mellor was sworn in. Mr.
Mellor is the owner of Block 604.03 Lot 6. Mr. Mellor testified that
they are requesting the subdivision to clean up the lines and help the
separate lots function better. The lots used to be owned by one person
and functioned as one large lot. With separate owners now the lots do
not function well. Mr. Mellor wishes to add more land to his lot, which
Mr. Owens would subdivide off his lot (Block 604.03 Lot 2). Mr. Mellor
was asked what the benefit was of changing these lines, and he responded
it would make the lot more conforming and increase its value. Mr. Hirsh
reviewed his engineering letter. Mr. Owens was sworn in. Attorney for
the board Mr. Dasti asked if the driveway to new lot 2.02 would remain.
Mr. Owen’s stated it would remain. Mr. Hirsh mentioned proposed Lot 2.01
requires an accessory structure side yard setback variance to permit a
4.3 foot setback, where 10 feet is required. The structure is located in
the southeast corner of the proposed property. All other variances are
existing non-conforming variances.
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public
comment Ron DeBaecke made a motion to close public comment. Jack Smylie
seconded the motion, all in favor. Jim Durr made a motion to approve the
subdivision and all variances. Motion to approve was seconded by Ron
Application 2020-02- Tucker Farms- Conditional Use- Block 100 Lot 1.01-
1010 Provinceline Road
Nicholas Ricci of Tucker Farms was sworn in. Mr. Ricci stated he would
like to put temporary migrant labor housing on his farm. He stated it is
hard to find labor, and having housing would help. The farm currently
grows flowers. Mr. Ricci stated the farm is currently preserved and he
meets all requirements for a Preserved farm to have labor housing. He
expects to have 10 employees. The housing would be a 36 x 60 mobile
trailer, that would come in 3 sections. He would have a designated
parking area for the labor housing. Mr. Hirsh reviewed that the reason
for the application is to make sure they meet all the requirements of
the Conditional Use. He stated they meet all bulk requirements for the
Condition Use. Mr. Hirsh asked if there would be any negative impact to
the Township or the surrounding area. Mr. Ricci stated he does not
believe there will be any negative impact on the area as the housing is
on over 100 acres of preserved farmland and serves and agricultural use.
Mr. Ricci testified he would be adding a septic and well for the housing
that is currently be worked on by an engineer. Mr. Ricci stated access
would be off Provinceline Road.
Tom Kimball opened the board to public comment. Being no public comment
Ron DeBaecke made a motion to close public comment, motion was seconded
by Greg Grauer. All in favor.
Ron DeBaecke made a motion to approve the Conditional Use. Motion was
seconded by Greg Grauer
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public
in attendance. Ron DeBaecke made a motion to close public comment.
Motion was seconded by Tom Kimball, all in favor
The board resumed their discussion on revising the Poultry and Livestock
Ordinance. The board stated we are an agricultural community and they
would like to promote residents having animals. It was discussed that
100ft is far too restrictive. The board discussed changing the setback
to 25ft instead of 100ft.
Board member Debbie Kucowski brought up that the neighbors need to be
considered. She told board about an instance with peacocks, and how they
were a nuisance to the neighbors and the police were being called
repeatedly on the owners. The owners eventually moved to an area where
there more open space for their animals. The board discussed the pro’s
and con’s of the lessoning the setbacks. The board agreed that 25ft was
fair. The board asked the board secretary to please send a memo to the
Township Committee requesting they consider the change. Jim Durr made a
motion to send the recommendation to the Township Committee that motion
was seconded by Ron DeBaecke.
7:43 pm
Greg Grauer made a motion to close board discussion. Motion was seconded
by Tom Kimball, all in favor