Joint Land Use Board


November 18, 2020

7:00 p.m. @ Municipal Complex


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Call to Order

The November 18, 2020 North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board Meeting was called to order at 7:15 by Chairman Tom Kimball


Flag Salute


Statement – Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act

“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met.  Notice of this meeting has been transmitted to the Burlington County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested and paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the Municipal Building “


Roll Call for Attendance

In Attendance: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Joe Greene, Debbie Kucowski, Brendan O’Donnell, Patricia Mellor, Jack Smylie, Wayne Voorhees, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball

Attorney for the Board:  Gregory McGuckin Esq. of Dasti, Murphy, McGuckin, Ulaky, Cherkos and Connors

Engineer for the Board: Joseph Hirsh of Environmental Resolutions

Planner for the Township: Barbara Fagely of Environmental Resolutions



Minutes for Approval

·         September 23, 2020

Greg Grauer made a motion to approve the September 23, 2020 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Brendan O’Donnell. Tom Kimball and Debbie Kucowski abstained. All others in favor.


Application 2020-10- Bulk Variance- Dale South and Amy Liedtka- 130 Jacobstown-New Egypt Road- Block 401 Lot 42

Property owner Dale South stated he is requesting variances for a 40x60x24.9 garage to store his cars and future motor home in. Mr. South was sworn in.  Mr. South stated he would like to keep the front of the garage flush with house that is why he cannot give more room in the rear and is asking for that variance. Mr. South stated he has talked to most of his neighbors and they did not have an issue with the garage.


Joe Hirsh Engineer for the board stated, three variances are needed for coverage, area and rear yard setback.


Mr. South stated his neighbor to his right had no complaints about his proposed garage. Mr. South was asked by the board engineer if he planned to extend the driveway. Mr. South stated that he will extend the driveway just to the entrance of the garage. Mr. Hirsh the engineer for the board also asked where the septic was located. Mr. South stated the septic is on the other side of the house and would not be impacted in anyway by the garage. Mr. McGuckin asked the applicant how many cars he plans to have.  Mr. South stated 6-7 cars, and currently has 4 cars outside. Mr. McGuckin asked if he would be able to fit everything in the proposed garage. Mr. South stated he has measured everything and he would be able to fit everything in the garage. Members of the board had concerns over the lot coverage of the garage. Board Member Durr asked if a dry well could be installed to take care of storm water to help alleviate lot coverage concerns. Mr. South stated he had planned to and Mr. Hirsh Board Engineer stated that was a great idea and would help the storm water problem.


Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment.

Mr. William Garenia of 1 Myron Blvd was sworn in. Mr. Garenia stated he was very concerned with the optics of such a large structure and the appearance it would give the neighborhood.  Mr. Garenia stated a garage the size of an 18 wheeler or 3 Apache Helicopters does not fit the neighborhood and is concerned it would set a president for others to be approved as well.  Chairman Tom Kimball stated that it would not set a president and every application is judged on its own merit.

Ms. Susan Garenia of 1 Myron Blvd was sworn in. Ms. Garenia stated she was also very concerned with the size of the garage and concerns of the garage being used as a repair shop. Ms. Garenia stated the applicant had parked a tractor trailer on the road in the past.

Mr. South stated it was only about two times during his lunch break and that he has brought a company truck home overnight a couple times as well.


Mr. South was asked if he would be willing to come down in the size because the board was concerned with the proposed size of 40x60. Mr. South stated he measured all of his current vehicles and with the size of his future ones 40x60 is what he would need to fit them all inside. The board also asked if he would be willing to come down in the height of the structure. Mr. South stated he could not due the height of the camper. After discussion with the board Mr. South stated he could agree to 40x50.


Jim Durr made a motion to approve the 40x50 pole +building and variances. Greg Grauer seconded the motion.


Roll Call: Russ Comisky-YES, Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-NO, Joe Greene-NO, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-NO, Jack Smylie-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-NO



Application 2020-11- Use Variance- Saamir A-Ali- 15 Georgetown Road- Block 609 Lot 3

Board members Ron DeBaecke and Brendan O’Donnell step down from the dais as members of the Township Committee.

Vinay Mavinkurve Esq is representing the applicant Samir A-Ali who is under contract to purchase 15 Georgetown Road. Dan Caruso was sworn in and accepted as a professional by the board. Mr. Caruso testified the applicant is looking for a use variance now and if approved will come back for Site Plan Approval. The applicant is proposing an auto body shop and car dealership. The applicant currently does business in New York but would like to move is business to New Jersey. He expects to have 2-3 employees 1 of which would be himself. The appliance expects 3-6 cars at a time inside and outside. His proposed hours of operation will be Monday- Friday 7:30am-5pm and until 3pm on Saturday. All the autobody work will be done inside. Car deliveries will take place approximately two times per week and all cars are in drivable condition.  The applicant prepossesses a spray booth inside that would be regulated by DEP. The board asked about the filtration system and possible contamination outside the building from the spray booth. Mr. Mavinkurve attorney for the applicant stated that the filtration system will meet all DEP requirements and be inspected by the DEP site for approval. The board asked how many cars would be out for sale at a time. Mr. A-Ali stated that he sells the cars at auction but may have about two cars out for retail sale on the property. Joe Hirsh Engineer for the board asked if he would be taking in walk in auto body customers. Mr. A-Ali stated he would like to have walk in customers.

Dainia Alhinvawi the applicant’s daughter was sworn in to help the applicant translate.  The applicant stated he would have 4 cars max at a time for retail services. The board asked if we could bring it down to 3 due to parking constraints and the applicant agreed.

Mr. James Kyles was sworn in and accepted as a professional in his field as a Planner. Mr. Kyle stated he feels that the use is consistent with the intent of the Master Plan. Used car sales and light manufacturing are all approved uses for the zone and are similar to the use of the applicant.


Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Greg Grauer made a motion to close public comment. Joe Greene Seconded the motion. All in favor.


Jim Durr made a motion to approve the use variance. Tom Kimball seconded the motion.


Roll Call: Russ Comisky- YES, Jim Durr-YES, Joe Greene- YES, Debbie Kucowski -YES, Patricia Mellor- YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Wayne Voorhees-YES, Greg Grauer – YES, Tom Kimball-YES


                Public Comment

Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public comment Tom Kimball made a motion to close public comment. Greg Grauer seconded the motion. All in favor.


Board Discussion

Chairman Tom Kimball opened to board discussion. Being no board discussion Tom Kimball made a motion to close board discussion. Greg Grauer seconded the motion. All in favor


Correspondence- NONE


Adjournment : 9:03 pm

Tom Kimball made a motion to adjourn. Greg Grauer seconded the motion. All in favor.