North Hanover Township
Joint Land Use Board
7:30p.m. @ Municipal Complex
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Call to Order
Chairman Tom Kimball called the meeting to order at 7:30pm
Flag Salute
Statement – Provisions
of the Open Public Meetings Act
provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met. Notice of this meeting has been transmitted
to the Burlington County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having
requested and paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer
of the Municipal Building “
Roll Call For
In Attendance: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Joe Greene,
Debbie Kucowski, Brendan O’Donnell, Patricia Mellor, Jack Smylie, Greg Grauer,
Tom Kimball
Absent: Wayne Voorhees
Also in Attendance: Joe Hirsh- Board Engineer, Gregory McGuckin-
Board Solicitor- Ed Fox- Board Planner
Minutes for Approval
August 25, 2021
Greg Grauer made a motion to approve the August 25, 2021 minutes.
Motion seconded by Brendan O’Donnell. All in Favor
Application 2021-09-
Bulk Variances- Andrew DePaulis- Block 102 Lot 1- Orr Road
Andrew DePaulis owner of the property was sworn in by Board
Solicitor Gregory McGuckin. Mr. DePaulis stated he is in front of the board for
bulk variances for a single family home. His family owns the farm behind the
property where he also works. Mr. DePaulis stated he wishes to build a 2 story 2800 sq ft single family home with a 1400 sq
ft footprint. Mr. DePaulis is also proposing a 24’x30’ detached garage. The lot
consist of .455 acres. Mr. Evan Hill was sworn in and was accepted as a
professional in his field. Mr. Hill is the engineer hired by the applicant. Mr.
Hill went over the proposed septic design and house plan. Board member Greg
Grauer asked the applicant if he had discussed with neighbors to by land to
make his lot more conforming. Mr. DePaulis stated the land behind him and on
one side is in Chesterfield Township and is deed restricted. The neighbor to
the other side has his front yard in North Hanover and his house resided in
Chesterfield and did not discuss with them about purchasing some of their land.
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment.
Mr. Goldberg was hired by Mr. DePaulis’s neighbor Richard
Hamilton. Mr. Eric Goldberg asked to cross examine the applicant. Mr. Goldberg
called Ellen Hamilton to the stand to be sworn in. Mrs. Hamilton read a letter
she wrote opposing the variances requested. Mr. Goldberg called for James
Miller to be sworn in. Mr. Miller was sworn in virtually as a professional
planner hired by Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Miller introduced several exhibits. Exhibit
O-1 a deed for the property dated May 26, 2016. O-2 Subject Property dated
April 24, 2018 and April 26, 2018 O-3 a copy of the Township tax map.
Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Miller both testified why the board should
not allow these variances as they believe it does not follow our master plan or
the aesthetic of the town or neighborhood. There was disagreement amongst
professionals for the applicant’s neighbor and the boards professionals on
whether land could be taken from the preserved farmland in Chesterfield
Township and given to this lot the resides solely in North Hanover Township.
Mr. Hill Engineer replied to the objector’s questions and
Being no further public comment Ron DeBaecke made a motion to
close public comment. Tom Kimball seconded the motion. All in favor.
Jim Durr made a motion to approve all variances. Greg Grauer
seconded the motion to approve the variances.
Roll Call: Russ Comisky- NO, Jim Durr- YES, Ron DeBaecke- NO, Joe
Greene- NO, Debbie Kucowksi- YES, Brendan O’Donnell-NO, Jack Smylie-YES, Greg
Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES. Motion passes 5 Yes, 4 No.
Chairman Tom Kimball stated the board would adjourn for a brief
break at 8:58pm. The board reconvened at 9:07 pm.
Application 2021-10-
Informal Conceptual- Province Line Farm LLC-
Block 201 Lot 10- Provinceline Road
Mark Aikins attorney for Provinceline Farm LLC. Presented a
conceptual plan to subdivide the existing farm into roughly 37 1-acre lots and
preserve 53.5 acres. Kevin Shelly presented the informal conceptual plan to the
board. Mr. Shelly and Mr. Aikins reviewed the engineers review letter. Mr. Ed
Fox Planner for the board stated the plan is in conformance with the townships
PURD ordinance. Mr. Fox reviewed the ordinance for the board and its intent. Mr.
Fox reviewed Lot Yield and how it is determined and the board discussed. The
board was concerned about the lot yield with the amount of wetlands and
undevelopable land and how that is calculated into the lot yield. Mr. Aikins
thanked the board for their time.
Public Comment
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no
public comment Ron DeBaecke made a motion to close public comment. Greg Grauer
seconded the motion. All in favor.
Board Discussion
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to board discussion. Being
no board discussion Tom Kimball made a motion to close board discussion. Motion
seconded by Ron DeBaecke. All in favor.
Tom Kimball made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded
by Ron DeBaecke. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 pm.