Joint Land Use Board
August 25, 2021
7:30p.m. @ Municipal Complex
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Call to Order
Chairman Tom Kimball called the August 25, 2021 Joint Land Use Board
Meeting to order at 7:30.
Flag Salute
Statement – Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act
“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met.
Notice of this meeting has been transmitted to the Burlington
County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested and
paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the
Municipal Building “
Roll Call For Attendance
In Attendance: Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Brendan O’Donnell, Jack Smylie,
Wayne Voorhees, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball
Absent: Russ Comisky, Joe Greene, Debbie Kucowski, Patricia Mellor
Minutes for Approval
July 28, 2021
Greg Grauer made a motion to approve the July 28, 2021 Minutes. Motion
was seconded by Brendan O’Donnell. Ron DeBaecke abstained, all others in
attendance in favor.
Memorialization of Resolution 2021-12-Approving Bulk Variances- Okon- 2
Davis Court- Block 401 Lot 1.03
Greg Grauer made a motion to memorialize Resolution 2021-12. Motion
seconded by Tom Kimball. Jim Durr and Ron DeBaecke abstained. All others
in attendance in favor.
RESOLUTION 2021 - 12
BLOCK 401, LOT 1.03
WHEREAS, David and Maria Okon, have applied to the North Hanover
Township Joint Land Use Board seeking variance relief with respect to
the property commonly known as Lot 1.03 in Block 401, as shown on the
official tax maps of North Hanover Township; and
WHEREAS, in support of this application, the Applicants have
submitted a Variance application along with a partial survey indicating
the location of a proposed fence along with certain photographs; and
WHEREAS, this matter was the subject of a public hearing held
before the North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board on July 28, 2021;
WHEREAS, prior to that hearing, the Board had an opportunity to
review the June 10, 2021 review letter of the Board’s Consulting
Engineer, Joseph R. Hirsh, PE, which report is incorporated herein by
reference; and
WHEREAS, the property is located on Davis Court, at its
intersection with Jacobstown-Cookstown Road, immediately to the north of
County Route 537; and
WHEREAS, the property is currently developed as a residential
single-family dwelling and is located in the R-1 Residential Zoning
District; and
WHEREAS, the Applicants are proposing to construct a six-foot
high vinyl fence along the westerly side of the residential structure to
tie into an existing chain link fence along the rear property line; and
WHEREAS, the westerly side of the property appears to be lined
with mature trees and the testimony reveals that it is the Applicants
intention to insure the trees are located inside of the proposed fence;
WHEREAS, the Applicants presented the testimony of David Okon, who
testified that certain trees have been cut back but that the fence would
be located between the sidewalk and the trees; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 16-220.2 of the Township Code, since
the property is located on a corner lot, the Applicants are limited to a
maximum of a four (4) foot high fence within the front yard setback and
said fence must be fifty percent (50%) “open” pursuant to 16-220.2; and
WHEREAS, the Applicants are proposing a six (6) foot fence within what
is considered a front yard setback area to block the view of traffic
from the side of his property where his pool is located; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant therefore requires two variances. The
first permitting a six (6) foot high fence instead of four (4) feet and
a second to permit a solid fence instead of a picket or chain linked see
through fence; and
WHEREAS, the property is further encumbered by a twenty-five (25) foot
wide storm drainage easement, which the Applicants notes and
acknowledged that they are responsible to remove or replace any fencing
or any other structure or improvement contained within the easement,
which impedes the Township’s ability to maintain, remove and/or replace
any storm drainage facilities contained within the easement at the
property owner’s sole cost and expense; and
WHEREAS, the Board, based upon the testimony submitted, did
discuss a number of conditions which would apply to any approvals
granted as follows:
Prior to setting of the fence posts, the Applicants shall provide
at least 48 hours notice to the Board engineer for an inspection of the
location of said fence posts prior to them being constructed to insure
they are located outside of the Township right-of-way and at the
appropriate locations.
The property owner is responsible for the removal and/or
replacement of fencing or any other structure or improvement constructed
within the easement in the event the Township needs to access its storm
drainage facilities contained within the easement and all costs shall be
borne by the owner of the subject property.
The fence shall be located on the street side of all trees, which
shall be located within the property lines of the Applicant’s property
and not within the Township right-of-way.
WHEREAS, this matter is subject
to public comment. however, no such comment is received; and
WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied the Applicants have submitted
sufficient reasons to establish its entitlement to the relief requested;
WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied the Applicants suffer a hardship in view
of the nature of the development of the subject property existing
encumbrances including the storm drainage easement, its corner location
and the location of an existing pool; and
WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied the Applicants have submitted sufficient
reasons to grant the relief and there will not be a negative impact upon
the Township Zoning Plan or Neighborhood Scheme and the Applicants
satisfy the negative criteria of the statute based upon the existing
structures located in the general vicinity; and
WHEREAS, it appears that all requisite fees and taxes have been
paid in full to date; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED on this 28th day of July, 2021, that the
Applicants’ request for Bulk Variance Relief be and hereby is approved
subject to the Applicants complying to all terms and conditions set
forth in the preamble of this Resolution; and
IN SO APPROVING the Aapplicants’ request for variance relief, the
Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover has made the following
findings of fact and conclusions of law and further declares:
The Applicants have a proprietary interest in this application.
All requisite fees and real estate property taxes have been paid
in full to date.
The Applicants have complied with all notification requirements
of the municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.
The application is a “complete application” as defined by the
municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.
The application is a substantial compliance with the zone plan
and will not unduly impact upon the neighborhood scheme.
The Land Use Board adopts the preamble of this Resolution as its
findings of facts and has relied upon these findings in the decision
rendered by the Board.
The Applicants have submitted sufficient reasons to grant the
requested relief herein.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is further conditioned upon
the following:
The receipt by the Applicants of all approvals and compliance
with all permit conditions from any Federal, State, County or local
regulatory agency having jurisdiction over this application.
Upon receipt of such approvals, the Applicants shall provide a
copy of any permit or written evidence of approval to the Board and its
professional staff. If any
agency requires a change in the plans approved by the Board, the
Applicants must reapply to the Board for approval of that change.
The Applicants shall provide a statement from the North Hanover
Township Tax Collector that all taxes are paid in full as of the date of
this resolution and as of the date of the fulfillment of any conditions
in this resolution and the failure to provide such a statement shall
render this resolution null and void abs initio.
The Applicants shall reimburse the Board for all professional
fees extended or expended with regard to this application.
The Applicants shall comply with all provisions of the reports of
the Board’s professional engineer and planner except as modified herein.
The Applicants shall comply with all representations made before
the Board by its attorney, engineer and other expert witnesses as the
Board has specifically relied upon those representations in granting the
approvals set forth herein.
Failure to comply with such representations will render any approvals
herein null and void ab initio.
Applicants shall resubmit this entire proposal for re-approval
should there be any deviation from the terms and conditions of this
Resolution or the documents submitted as part of this application, all
of which are made a part hereof and shall be binding on the Applicants.
Applicants shall post an inspection fund with the Township Clerk
in an amount to be determined by the Township Engineer.
Unless specifically modified herein, the Applicants shall comply
with all terms and conditions of all prior resolutions of the North
Hanover Township Planning Board regarding this application.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to
the following:
Burlington County Board of Health
Burlington County Planning Board
North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board;
Township Clerk; and
Zoning Officer.
DATE ADOPTED: July 28, 2021
DATE MEMORIALIZED: August 25, 2021
FOR ADOPTION: Joe Greene, Debbie Kucowski, Patricia Mellor, Brendan
O’Donnell, Jack Smylie, Wayne Voorhees, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball
Memorialization of Resolution 2021-13-Approving Minor Subdivision and
Bulk Variances- Cavalli- 126 Schoolhouse Road- Block 501 Lot 8
Jim Durr made a motion to memorialize Resolution 2021-13. Motion
seconded by Wayne Voorhees. Jack Smylie and Greg Grauer abstained. All
others in attendance in favor.
RESOLUTION 2021 - 13
BLOCK 501, LOT 8
WHEREAS, April and Victor Morales have applied to the North
Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board seeking minor subdivision approval
and variance relief with respect to the property commonly known as Lot 8
in Block 501, as shown on the official tax maps of North Hanover
Township; and
WHEREAS, the property is owned by the mother of April Savoy
Morales; and
WHEREAS, in support of this application, the Applicants have submitted a
Minor Subdivision Plan, dated June 22, 2021, consisting of one (1) sheet
as well as various supporting documents; and
WHEREAS, the property is located within the R-A
Residential-Agricultural Zoning District of the municipality on the
southside of Schoolhouse Road, just east of Schoolhouse Road; and
WHEREAS, the Applicants are proposing to subdivide a 2.0 acre
parcel from an existing 12.51 one acre parcel in order to create a
building lot for the owner’s daughter; and
WHEREAS, the property contains an existing residential dwelling
fronting upon Schoolhouse Road and an open farm field to the rear
portion of the lot; and
WHEREAS, the Applicants are proposing a “flag lot” with a shared
driveway access to each of the two lots to be created by easement; and
WHEREAS, this matter is the subject of a Public Hearing held
before the Joint Land Use Board on July 28, 202; and
WHEREAS, prior to said hearing, the Board had an opportunity to review
the engineer report of the Board’s Consulting Engineer, Joseph R. Hirsh,
P.E., dated July 21, 2021, which report is incorporated herein by
reference; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted the testimony of April
Morales and Leah Furey Bruder, with Ms. Bruder being qualified as an
expert planning witness in this matter; and
WHEREAS, the Applicants expert testified as to the nature of
development in the general neighborhood with testimony revealing that
six (6) houses located directly to the east of the subject property are
located on properties of less than one acre; and
WHEREAS, the proposed lots meet all lot area requirements of the
zone and in fact exceeds same but the Applicants do require bulk
variance relief due to the shape and location of the subject property
and its minimal pre-existing non-conforming frontage along the roadway;
WHEREAS, Ms. Bruder testified that the Applicants are entitled to
relief under both the C-1 and C-2 criteria of the statute; and
WHEREAS, with respect to a hardship, the Applicants suffers from
an irregular shaped property which includes a large lot with limited
frontage while the purposes of zoning are advanced through the granting
of the relief in question by providing adequate light, air and open
space and sufficient utilization of property while meeting the lot area
requirements in the zone; and
WHEREAS, with respect to the negative criteria, Ms. Bruder
testified and the Board agrees that there is no negative impact for the
granting of relief requested as the lots meet the lot area requirements
where there is already a pre-existing non-conforming condition with
respect to the frontage and provided appropriate access easements are
executed and filed, access would be sufficient for the property; and
WHEREAS, the Board did discuss a number of conditions which would
apply to any approvals granted herein as follows:
The Applicants shall provide for the preparation of an access
easement providing access for each property owner through the driveway
location, which Agreement must provide for the responsibility for the
future maintenance of same and which Agreement must also be approved by
both the Board Engineer and Attorney and recorded as part of this
The Applicants shall comply with all other requirements of the
Engineer Review Letter of the Board’s Consulting Engineer, Joseph R.
The Applicants and property owners shall insure that there will
be no disturbance of the specimen oak tree currently located on the
Applicants property; and
WHEREAS, it appears that all requisite fees and taxes have been paid in
full to date; and
WHEREAS, the Board is satisfied the Applicants submitted sufficient
reasons to
grant the relief requested;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED on this 28th day of July, 2021, the
Applicants request the Minor Subdivision Approval and Bulk Variance
Relief be and is hereby approved subject to the Applicants complying to
all terms and conditions set forth in the preamble of this Resolution;
IN SO APPROVING the Applicants request for variance relief, the
Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover has made the following
findings of fact and conclusions of law and further declares:
The Applicants have a proprietary interest in this application.
All requisite fees and real estate property taxes have been paid
in full to date.
The Applicants have complied with all notification requirements
of the municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.
The application is a “complete application” as defined by the
municipal land use ordinance of the Township of North Hanover.
The application is a substantial compliance with the zone plan
and will not unduly impact upon the neighborhood scheme.
The Land Use Board adopts the preamble of this Resolution as its
findings of facts and has relied upon these findings in the decision
rendered by the Board.
The Applicants have submitted sufficient reasons to grant the
requested relief herein.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is further conditioned upon
the following:
The receipt by the Applicants of all approvals and compliance
with all permit conditions from any Federal, State, County or local
regulatory agency having jurisdiction over this application.
Upon receipt of such approvals, the Applicants shall provide a
copy of any permit or written evidence of approval to the Board and its
professional staff. If any
agency requires a change in the plans approved by the Board, the
Applicants must reapply to the Board for approval of that change.
The Applicants shall provide a statement from the North Hanover
Township Tax Collector that all taxes are paid in full as of the date of
this resolution and as of the date of the fulfillment of any conditions
in this resolution and the failure to provide such a statement shall
render this resolution null and void abs initio.
The Applicants shall reimburse the Board for all professional
fees extended or expended with regard to this application.
The Applicants shall comply with all provisions of the reports of
the Board’s professional engineer and planner except as modified herein.
The Applicants shall comply with all representations made before
the Board by its attorney, engineer and other expert witnesses as the
Board has specifically relied upon those representations in granting the
approvals set forth herein.
Failure to comply with such representations will render any approvals
herein null and void ab initio.
Applicants shall resubmit this entire proposal for re-approval
should there be any deviation from the terms and conditions of this
Resolution or the documents submitted as part of this application, all
of which are made a part hereof and shall be binding on the Applicants.
Applicants shall post an inspection fund with the Township Clerk
in an amount to be determined by the Township Engineer.
Unless specifically modified herein, the Applicants shall comply
with all terms and conditions of all prior resolutions of the North
Hanover Township Planning Board regarding this application.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to
the following:
Burlington County Board of Health
Burlington County Planning Board
North Hanover Township Joint Land Use Board;
Township Clerk; and
Zoning Officer.
DATE ADOPTED: July 28, 2021
DATE MEMORIALIZED: August 25, 2021
FOR ADOPTION: Jim Durr, Debbie Kucowski, Patricia Mellor, Brendan
O’Donnell, Wayne Voorhees
AGAINST: Tom Kimball
Public Comment
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public
in attendance Greg Grauer made a motion to close, Ron Debaecke seconded
the motion. All in favor.
Board Discussion
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to board discussion. Greg Grauer
made a motion to close public discussion. Motion was seconded by Ron
DeBaecke. All in favor.
Greg Grauer made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Ron
DeBaecke. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm. |