North Hanover Township

Joint Land Use Board


January 13, 2021

7:00 p.m. @ Municipal Complex

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Call to Order

Board Secretary Alexandra DeGood called the January 13, 2021 Joint Land Use Board Reorganization Meeting to order.


Flag Salute


Statement – Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act

“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met.  Notice of this meeting has been transmitted to the Burlington County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested and paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the Municipal Building”


Oath of Office for Board Member Appointees

Class I- Ron DeBaecke

Class III- Brendan O’Donnell

Class IV- Jim Durr

Alternate #2- Patrica Mellor

Members were sworn in by Notary Public for the State of New Jersey Alexandra DeGood


Roll Call For Attendance

 In Attendance: Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball, Debbie Kucowski, Brendan O’Donnell, Jack Smylie, Patricia Mellor, Wayne Voorhees


Nomination for Chair  

Board Secretary Alexandra DeGood opened the floor for nomination for Chairman. Jim Durr nominated Tom Kimball. Ron DeBaecke seconded the nomination. No other nominations were made. Tom Kimball accepted the nomination and took over the meeting.

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Nomination for Vice Chairperson   

Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chair. Tom Kimball nominated Greg Grauer for Vice Chair. Jim Durr seconded the motion. No other nomination where made. Greg Grauer accepted the nomination.

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-ABSTAIN, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Nomination for Board Secretary 

Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor for nomination for Board Secretary. Debbie Kucowski nominated Alexandra DeGood. Tom Kimball seconded the motion. Alexandra DeGood accepted the nomination

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Board Professional Discussion & Nominations

Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor for nomination for Board Solicitor. Jim Durr nominated Gregory McGuckin of Dasti, Murphy, McGuckin, Ulaky, Cherkos & Connor. Greg Grauer seconded the motion. No other nominations were made.

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor for nominations for Board Engineer. Tom Kimball nominated Environmental Resolutions, Inc. Greg Grauer seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor for Completeness review designee. Tom Kimball nominated the Board Engineer. Greg Grauer seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor for nominations for Board Planner. Greg Grauer nominated Enviromental Resolutions, Inc. Tom Kimball seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES



Adoption of Resolution 2021-01 – Meeting Dates

Chairman Tom Kimball introduced Resolution 2021-01. Ron DeBaecke made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-01 Meeting Dates. Motion was seconded by Grag Grauer

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Adoption of Resolution 2021-02 – Board Secretary Appointment

Chairman Tom Kimball introduced Resolution 2021-02. Tom Kimball made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-02 Board Secretary Appointment. Greg Grauer seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Adoption of Resolution 2021-03 – Board Professionals Appointments

Chairman Tom Kimball introduce Resolution 2021-03. Greg Grauer made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-03 Board Professional Appointments. Motion was seconded by Tom Kimball.

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Adoption of Resolution 2021-04 – Completeness Review Designee

Chairman Tom Kimball introduced Resolution 2021-04. Ron DeBaecke made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-04 Completeness Review Designee. Motion was seconded by Greg Grauer

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- YES


Adoption of Resolution 2021-05 – Acceptance of 2020 Zoning Board of Adjustment Annual Report

Chairman Tom Kimball introduced Resolution 2021-05. Ron DeBaecke made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-05 Acceptant of 2020 Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Roll Call: Jim Durr-YES, Ron DeBaecke-YES, Greg Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES, Wayne Voorhees- ABSTAIN


Minutes for Approval

-         November 18, 2020

-         December 23, 2020 Special Meeting

Tom Kimball made a motion to approve November 18, 2020 and December 23, 2020 Special Meeting minutes. Jim Durr seconded. Ron DeBaecke abstained.


Public Comment

Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public in attendance to comment Greg Grauer made a motion to close public comment. Motion was seconded by Ron DeBaecke. All in favor.

Board Discussion

Tom Kimball opened the floor to board discussion. Being no board discussion Tom Kimball made a motion to close board discussion. Ron Debaecke seconded the motion. All in favor.


Correspondence- NONE


Adjournment: 7:12

Ron DeBaeke made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Greg Grauer. All in favor.