Joint Land Use Board
July 28, 2021
7:30p.m. @ Municipal Complex
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Call to Order
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the July 28, 2021 Joint Land Use Board
Meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Flag Salute
Statement – Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act
“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met.
Notice of this meeting has been transmitted to the Burlington
County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested and
paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the
Municipal Building “
Roll Call For Attendance
In Attendance: Jim Durr, Joe Greene, Debbie Kucowski, Brendan O’Donnell,
Patricia Mellor, Jack Smylie, Wayne Voorhees, Greg Grauer, Tom Kimball
Absent: Russ Comisky, Ron DeBaecke
Also In Attendance: Gregory McGuckin Land Use Board Attorney, Joe Hirsh
Land Use Board Engineer
Minutes for Approval
June 23, 2021
Wayne Voorhees made a motion to approve the June 23, 2021 minutes.
Motion was seconded by Brendan O’Donnell. Debbie Kucwoski, Jack Smylie,
and Tom Kimball abstained. All others in favor.
Memorialization of Resolution 2021-11- Site Plan Approval-
Mark Stepniewski- 296 Meany Road- Block 800 Lot 39
Jim Durr made a motion to approve the memorialization of Resolution
2021-11. Motion was seconded by Greg Grauer. Debbie Kucwoski, Jack
Smylie, and Tom Kimball abstained. All others in favor.
Application 2021-05- Bulk Variances- Okon- 2 Davis Court- Block 401 Lot
Board member Jim Durr stepped down from dais as a property adjoiner.
Mrs. Maria Okon and Mr. David Okon owners of 2 Davis Court, were sworn
in by Land Use Attorney Gregory McGuckin. Mr. Okon stated they wish to
put up a 6’ vinyl fence for privacy. Board Engineer Joe Hirsh reviewed
his review letter. The Okon’s needed 2 variances one for the height of
the fence where 6’ is proposed and 4’ is permitted.
The need a seconded variance for a solid fence where 50% open
space fence is permitted. Mr. Hirsh stated there is a drainage easement
on the property and a condition of approval should be that the Township
Engineer needs to inspect the placement of the fence posts prior to them
being dug, and the homeowners taking responsibility for removing and
replacing at their fence in the even the Township needs to access the
drainage easement. The homeowners agreed to these conditions. The board
had no further questions. Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to
public comment. Jim Durr resident and neighbor at 297 Monmouth Road
stated he has no objections to the Okon’s fence request.
Greg Grauer made a motion to close public comment. Jack Smylie seconded
the motion. All in favor.
Tom Kimball made a motion to approve the variances with all agreed
conditions to be in the Resolution. Motion was seconded by Greg Grauer.
Roll Call: Joe Greene-YES, Debbie Kucowski-YES, Patricia Mellor-YES,
Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Jack Smylie-Yes, Wayne Voorhees-YES, Greg
Grauer-YES, Tom Kimball-YES
Application 2021-08- Minor Subdivision and Bulk Variances- Cavalli- 126
Schoolhouse Road- Block 501 Lot 8
Greg Grauer and Jack Smylie stepped down for the dais as land owners
within 200 feet of the applicants property.
April Savoy- Morales was sworn in. Ms. Morales stated that she would
like to subdivide a piece of her mothers farm land to build a single
family home.
Leah Bruder a Professional Planner for the applicant was sworn in and
accepted as a professional in her field. Ms. Bruder submitted exhibit
A-1 A Minor Subdivision Plan for 126 Schoolhouse Road. The applicant is
proposing a minor subdivision creating one additional lot. Currently the
lot is 12.51 Acres. The use of a single family home is permitted in the
zone. Ms. Bruder gave testimony of the residential nature of Schoolhouse
Road. The new proposed lot would be 2 acres leaving 10.51 acres to
remain as farmland. There will be minimal disturbance of farmland. They
are proposing to share a driveway with easements. Variances needed are
for lot frontage, lot width at setback and side yard setbacks. 200 feet
is required for lot frontage; 160 feet is existing for lot 8. Proposed
lot 8 proposes 124.54 feet. The proposed dimensions represent an
increase in the existing non-conforming condition.
Proposed lot 8.01 proposes 35.46 feet. The proposed dimensions represent
a new variance created by the subdivision. 200 feet is required is
required for lot width at setback; +/- 160 feet is existing for lot 8.
Proposed lot 8 proposes 126
feet. The proposed dimensions represent an increase in the
existing non-conforming condition. 30 feet is required for side yard
setback; +/-51 feet is existing for lot 8.
Proposed lot 8 proposes 22.9 feet. The proposed dimensions represent a
new variance created by the subdivision. Mr. Hirsh Engineer for the Land
Use Board stated he had no concerns over the actual subdivision. Mr.
Hirsh also stated there should be a maintenance agreement should be
deeded for the easement. Chairman Tom Kimball expressed concern over
flag lots due to safety and emergency vehicles getting down the
driveway. Mr. Durr also express concerned over the Croshaw Oak. Jason
Schaffer of Schaffer Family Homes was sworn in. Mr. Schaffer stated the
Croshaw Oak tree is actually on the applicant’s property but they do no
have any construction planned on that end of the property.
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public
comment Tom Kimball made a motion to close public comment Motion was
seconded by Brendan O’Donnell.
Jim Durr made a motion to approve the proposed subdivision and requested
variances. Motion was seconded by Joe Greene.
Roll Call: Jim Durr- YES, Debbie Kucowski- YES, Patricia Mellor-YES,
Brendan O’Donnell-YES, Wayne Voorhees-YES, Tom Kimball- NO
Public Comment
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public
comment Greg Grauer made a motion to close public comment. Motion was
seconded by Tom Kimball. All in favor
Board Discussion
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to board discussion. Being no
board discussion Tom Kimball made a motion to close public comment.
Motion was seconded by Jack Smylie.
Tom Kimball made a motion to adjourn at 8:03pm. Motion was seconded by
Greg Grauer. All in favor. |