Joint Land Use Board
May 26, 2021
7:30p.m. @ Municipal Complex
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Call to Order
The May 26, 2021 meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Chairman Tom
Flag Salute
Statement – Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act
“The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met.
Notice of this meeting has been transmitted to the Burlington
County Times and the Courier Post, given to those having requested and
paying for the same and posted on the bulletin board in the foyer of the
Municipal Building “
Roll Call For Attendance
In Attendance: Russ Comisky, Jim Durr, Ron DeBaecke, Joe Greene, Debbie
Kucowski, Brendan O’Donnell, Jack Smylie, Wayne Voorhees, Greg Grauer,
Tom Kimball
Absent: Patricia Mellor
Also in attendance: Gregory McGuckin Board Solicitor, Joe Hirsh
Board Engineer
Minutes for Approval
April 28, 2021
Jim Durr made a motion to approve April 28, 2021 minutes, motion was
seconded by Greg Grauer. All in Favor
Application 2021- 04- Gale Use Variance- 418 Monmouth Road- Block 700
Lot 9
Deputy Mayor Ron DeBaecke and Committeeman Brendan O’Donnell stepped
down from the dais.
Erin Gale was sworn in by Board Solicitor Gregory McGuckin. Ms. Gale
stated she owns and operates Farmhouse Bakery.
Ms. Gale stated she is currently renting out space in a
commercial kitchen to make her baked items.
She sells at Local Farmers Markets. She is asking the board for a
Use Variance to build a commercial kitchen on her property.
She plans to use products from
local farmers for her baked goods.
She stated she is currently only here for the variance and
understands she will need to come back for Site Plan Approval. Ms. Gale
also stated she is working with the Burlington County Health Department
on a new septic for the kitchen and has reached out to the Burlington
County Planning Board. The Burlington County Planning Board stated she
does not need to seen by them. Ms. Gale stated she would like to have
scheduled pick up but not be open to the public. Ms.Gale stated she
would like whole sale and not have a store front. She anticipates only
having normal fedex and UPS deliveries. No large trucks would be making
deliveries to the property.
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no
public comment Greg Grauer made a motion to close public comment. Motion
was seconded by Tom Kimball all in favor.
Jim Durr made a motion to approve the variance for a commercial
whole sale kitchen with scheduled pick ups. Greg Grauer seconded the
Roll Call: Russ Comisky- YES; Jim Durr-YES; Joe Greene-YES; Debbie
Kucowksi-YES; Jack Smylie-YES; Wayne Voorhees-YES; Greg Grauer-YES; Tom
Application 2021-07- James Durr Wholesale Florist Inc.- Site Plan
Waiver- 297 Monmouth Road-Block 501 Lot 16
David Frank Esq. represented the applicant James Durr Wholesale Florist
Inc. James Durr was sworn in by board solicitor.
Mr. Durr stated the property is 6+/- acres. The propter contains
a home and an old dairy barn. Mr. Durr stated he would like to convert
the barn to a farm market. He stated he checked with the North Hanover
Township Zoning Department, and did not need a variance and was covered
by the townships Right to Farm Ordinance. Mr. Durr stated he made a
number of improvements to the property to clean it up. Mr. Frank stated
his client is requesting a Site Plan Waiver. Mr. Durr plans to sell his
own produce at the market. Mr. Durr stated the barn and home do not
share any utilities. Mr. Durr stated his hours of operation would be
approximately 9am to 7pm or dark. Mr.Durr stated there are 2 entrances
to the property. Mr. Durr did state he has hired an architect for the
construction permit portion of the process.
Mr. Frank stated the engineers letter asked about lighting of the
parking lot and it was stated that the
applicant would work with the engineer for the lighting. Mr.
Hirsh asked about the Burlington County Planning Board. Mr. Frank stated
they had not spoken to them. Mr. Hirsh stated they would they would need
to reach out to the Burlington County Planning Board.
The board discussed potential liabilities of waiving Site Plan. Mr.
McGuckin advised the board of what a site plan waiver meant.
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public
comment Greg Grauer made a motion to close public comment.
Brendan O’Donnell made a motion to approve the Site Plan Waiver with the
conditions agreed upon by the board and applicant. Motion was seconded
by Greg Grauer
Roll Call: Russ Comisky- YES; Ron DeBaecke- Yes; Joe Greene-YES; Debbie
Kucowksi-YES; Brendan O’Donnell- YES; Jack Smylie-ABSTAIN; Wayne
Voorhees-YES; Greg Grauer-YES; Tom Kimball-YES
Public Comment
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to public comment. Being no public
comment. Greg Grauer made a motion to close public comment. Motion was
seconded by Ron DeBaecke. All in favor.
Board Discussion
Chairman Tom Kimball opened the floor to board discussion. Being no
board discussion. Tom Kimball made a motion to close board discussion.
Motion was seconded by Greg Grauer. All in favor.
Greg Grauer made a motion to close Board Discussion. Motion was seconded
by Greg Grauer. All in favor.