July 19, 2023 Minutes

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Chairman Tom Kimball called the July 19, 2023 meeting to order at 7:30pm.

Flag Salute

Sunshine Statement

Roll Call


Roll Call

Russ Comisky


Jim Durr


Ron DeBaecke


Greg Grauer


Joe Greene


David Forsyth


Tom Kimball


Debbie Kucowski


Jack Smylie


Patricia Mellor


Wayne Voorhees


Also in Attendance: Stephen Raymond Attorney for the Board, Joe Hirsh Engineer for the Board, Ed Fox Planner for the Board.

Resolution of the Joint Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover Reviewing Preliminary Investigation of Redevelopment Study for Block 401, Lot 44 Study Area and Determining that Block 401, Lot 44 Qualify as a Non-Condemnation Area In Need of Redevelopment and Recommending to the North Hanover Township Council that this Parcel be Designated as a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment.




Resolution of the Joint Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover Reviewing Preliminary Investigation of Redevelopment Study for Block 800, Lot 61 Study Area and Determining that Block 800, Lot 61 QualifIES as a Non-Condemnation Area In Need of Redevelopment and Recommending to the North Hanover Township COMMITTEE that this Parcel be Designated as a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment.

WHEREAS, on February 16, 2023, by adoption of Resolution 2023-44, the Township Committee of the Township of North Hanover, Burlington County, New Jersey authorized the Joint Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine whether the following areas of the Township qualify as an “Area in Need of Non-Condemnation Redevelopment” according to the criteria set forth in N.J.S. 40A:12A-1 et seq. of the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law (“LRHL”):


Block 800, Lot 61, and Sections of public rights-of-way adjacent to these parcels;

WHEREAS, as requested by the Township Committee, the Joint Land Use Board Planner, Edward Fox, AICP, PP, of Environmental Resolutions, Inc. prepared a written report on the Preliminary Investigation of Monmouth Road Study Area in North Hanover Township, Burlington County as a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment (the “Investigation Study”) which contained maps showing the boundaries of the potential Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment and the location of the property included therein and provided findings and recommendations setting forth the basis for and results of the investigation; and

WHEREAS, as required by the LRHL, N.J.S. 40A:12A-6, after the required public notice, the Joint Land Use Board has conducted a public hearing on June 28, 2023, to review and consider the Findings and Recommendations as set forth in the Investigation Study, and has heard any public comments from persons who were interested in or would be affected by a determination that Lot 61 in Block 800 qualify as a Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area; and

WHEREAS, the Joint Land Use Board agrees with the Recommendations of the Investigation Study and finds that Lot 61 in Block 800 qualifies as a Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area; and

WHEREAS, the Joint Land Use Board adopts the Recommendations in Part III of the Investigation Study that Block 800, Lot 61, and Sections of Public Rights-of-Way Adjacent to these Parcels meet the statutory criteria for a Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area, as set forth in N.J.S. 40A:12A-5; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Joint Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover, County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, that, pursuant to the authority of the LRHL, N.J.S. 40A:12A-7e, having reviewed the Investigation Study Area of Block 800, Lot 61, and Sections of Public Rights-of-Way Adjacent to these Parcels and having determined that the Investigation Study Area of Block 800, Lot 61, and Sections of Public Rights-of-Way Adjacent to these Parcels meets the statutory criteria for a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment, does hereby recommend that the Township Committee of the Township of North Hanover designate Block 800, Lot 61, and Sections of Public Rights-of-Way Adjacent to these Parcels as a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment.








Russ Comisky


Jim Durr


Ron DeBaecke



Dave Forsyth


Joe Greene


Debbie Kucowski


Patricia Mellor


Jack Smylie


Wayne Voorhees


Greg Grauer



Tom Kimball


5. Resolution of the Joint Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover Reviewing Preliminary Investigation of Redevelopment Study for Block 800, Lot 61 Study Area and Determining that Block 401, Lot 44 Qualify as a Non-Condemnation Area In Need of Redevelopment and Recommending to the North Hanover Township Council that this Parcel be Designated as a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment.




Resolution of the Joint Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover Reviewing Preliminary Investigation of Redevelopment Study for Block 401, Lot 44 Study Area and Determining that Block 401, Lot 44 QualifIES as a Non-Condemnation Area In Need of Redevelopment and Recommending to the North Hanover Township Council that this Parcel be Designated as a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment.

WHEREAS, on February 16, 2023, by adoption of Resolution 2023-44, the Township Committee of the Township of North Hanover, Burlington County, New Jersey authorized the Joint Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover to undertake a preliminary investigation to determine whether the following areas of the Township qualify as an “Area in Need of Non-Condemnation Redevelopment” according to the criteria set forth in N.J.S. 40A:12A-1 et seq. of the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law (“LRHL”):


Block 401, Lot 44, and Sections of public rights-of-way adjacent to these parcels;

WHEREAS, as requested by the Township Committee, the Joint Land Use Board Planner, Edward Fox, AICP, PP, of Environmental Resolutions, Inc. prepared a written report on the Preliminary Investigation of Monmouth Road Study Area in North Hanover Township, Burlington County as a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment (the “Investigation Study”) which contained maps showing the boundaries of the potential Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment and the location of the property included therein and provided findings and recommendations setting forth the basis for and results of the investigation; and

WHEREAS, as required by the LRHL, N.J.S. 40A:12A-6, after the required public notice, the Joint Land Use Board has conducted a public hearing on June 28, 2023, to review and consider the Findings and Recommendations as set forth in the Investigation Study, and has heard any public comments from persons who were interested in or would be affected by a determination that Lot 44 in Block 401 qualify as a Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area; and

WHEREAS, the Joint Land Use Board agrees with the Recommendations of the Investigation Study and finds that Lot 44 in Block 401 qualifies as a Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area; and

WHEREAS, the Joint Land Use Board adopts the Recommendations in Part III of the Investigation Study that Block 401, Lot 44, and Sections of Public Rights-of-Way Adjacent to these Parcels meet the statutory criteria for a Non-Condemnation Redevelopment Area, as set forth in N.J.S. 40A:12A-5; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Joint Land Use Board of the Township of North Hanover, County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, that, pursuant to the authority of the LRHL, N.J.S. 40A:12A-7e, having reviewed the Investigation Study Area of Block 401, Lot 44, and Sections of Public Rights-of-Way Adjacent to these Parcels and having determined that the Investigation Study Area of Block 401, Lot 44, and Sections of Public Rights-of-Way Adjacent to these Parcels meets the statutory criteria for a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment, does hereby recommend that the Township Committee of the Township of North Hanover designate Block 401, Lot 44, and Sections of Public Rights-of-Way Adjacent to these Parcels as a Non-Condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment.








Russ Comisky


Jim Durr



Ron DeBaecke


Dave Forsyth


Joe Greene


Debbie Kucowski


Patricia Mellor


Jack Smylie


Wayne Voorhees


Greg Grauer



Tom Kimball


6. Application 2023-04-Block 602 Lot 9.02 – North Hanover Partners Urban Renewal, LLC- Proposed Warehouse Development- Major Site Plan, Subdivision, Variance Application

Attorney for the Board Stephen Raymond stated to the board and the all-in attendance tonight’s meeting will be limited to 2 hours. Ron Shimanowitz Esq. attorney North Hanover Reality Partners LLC Application. The Applicant is asking for Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision, Preliminary and Final Site Plan, as well as Variances for the height of freestanding light poles as well as height of wall mounted lights. The lot consists of 56.5 Acres in the Industrial Zone. The applicant is proposing 5 new lots for 5 new warehouses

John Kainer sworn in. Commercial Broker and Land Developer. Commercial Broker since 2005, worked in development for about 10 years. Principal of applicant. Mr. Kainer stated there are many types of warehouse. The Amazon type which takes over everything but this is not the type they plan to have. He stated their intent is to build basic bulk warehousing. These warehouses would house tpes of product, clothing, food, furniture. 95% of the base would be large bulky item storage. The applicant does not have tenants yet. Stating it is hard to market to tenants when you don’t have a building. Tenants look about 9-12 months out from their leasing. Smaller warehouse is more diverse. Smaller buildings would allow tenants a better opportunity to own. Long term storage means lower traffic. Rent prices is rising so they believe they will have a large pick of tenants. No perfume or hazardous material storage. Sometimes working until 10 but mostly inside the building. Most business will be shut down by 6pm. There may be a tenant who might need every other Saturday to work. Mr. Kainer stated their anticipated that with 5 buildings it would be a phased development, but cannot elaborate any further without being able to look for tenants to know when they would build each building.

Jeffrey Haberman was sworn in as Site Engineer for the applicant. The Board accepted him as a professional in his field.

Mr. Haberman marked Exhibit A-1 and A-2 maps showing property identified as Block 602 Lot 9.02. Mr. Habermand explained that McGuire Access Road runs East West termination at Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst. Wrightstown Sykesville Road run North to South. Mr. Haberman showed the paper street Croshaw Road intend to be used for site traffic. Chairman Tom Kimball asked if this road would be used for truck traffic, Mr. Haberman explained no it would be used as employee traffic to Site 1. Mr. Haberman reviewed Exhibit A-1

Mr. Haberman explained warehouses are permitted, even though this is subject to the redevelopment plan. He explained the current use of the property is agricultural with a portion being wooded. In wooded there is small area of wet lands. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has issued a Letter of Interpretation for the wetlands. 2 60’ right away. Will service 2 driveways to have access. They will be private and owned by applicant. Mr. Haberman moved to exhibit A-2 a colorized rendering of site plan submitted to the board. Mr. Haberman has reviewed ordinance and redevelopment plan and overseen all materials prepared by Dynamic. The plan shows 5 separate warehouse and associated improvements. The plan also shows Lighting, basins, circulation, roads. The intent is to subdivide into 5 new lots one for each warehouse. Each lot is subdivided in conformance with redevelopment. Each lot each 8 acres in conformance with redevelopment plan. Site 1 will be subdivided into 12.5 acres, with a 229, 050 square foot building with 5,000 square feet being used for office space. Site 2 will be subdivided into 13.8 acres with a 234, 000 square foot building with 5,000 square feet being used for office space. Site 3 will be subdivided into 8 acres with a 144,000 square foot building with 5,000 square feet being used for office space. Site 4 will be subdivided into 9.8 acres with a 180,000 square foot building with 5,000 square feet being used for office space. Site 5 will be subdivided into 9.025 acres with a 180,000 square foot building with 5,000 square feet being used for office space. The main access point for truck traffic is along McGuire Access Highway. There are 3 movement driveways also proposed. These will be restricted to car only for employees. The applicant is proposing a break in median on access. Plans have been submitted to Burlington County Planning Board.

Board member Joe Greene asked, if 3 front buildings are sold how will the others be accessed will Easements will be made. Mr. Haberman stated that, yes, each owner will have easement agreements. All driveways and site circulations have all been developed with town, county state requirements. Each building has their own employee parking generally by office area. Design does not show current sidewalks connecting. There may be a incident where they own 2 buildings where it would be a good idea, but there is none currently.

Traffic Impact study submitted. Proposed parking supply does support the projected demand and redevelopment plan. The total off street parking is390 parking stalls. 23 ADA stalls, 12 electric ready make ready stalls to be in compliance with state 9x18 parking stall size. Drive isles for employee 25’ wide, truck 35’ wide. Single docked each warehouse (one side only) Generally face east except for 1 that is to the south, this it faces away from residential. 150 loading docks in conformance with redevelopment zone. No site security at this time. The applicant is not proposing any site security because a lot of that is tenant driven. When a tenant is locked in that is when a fencing plan would be given to the Land Use Engineer.

There is a proposed trash compactor or trash facility within one of the docks of each building. Applicant will hire private pick up. Mr. Haberman explained the grading and storm water management perspective. Site drains west to eat. With high elevation 170 on west, 139 SE end of property. Moderate grade drop for this size parcel. Loading docks face east because the fall 4’from floor. Loading facilities facing away from residential house on Sykesville. Retaining walls to be designed and sent to Land Use Engineer for technical review. The applicant intends to fully meet storm water management the Storm Water Ordinance and Sentiment Control Act of set by the state.

9 small scale above, 11 bio retention basins are proposed. This is in line with regulations put in place several years ago. Distributes around the site and also discharged, to infrastructure along county highway. Utilities will be private well and septic. Fire suppression will have each site have its own tank for fire suppression and a well. Single on-site treatment plant. Seeking permits with the site. condition of approval to construct.

Chairman Tom Kimball asked if this will be maintained by HOA? Mr. Shimanowitz , yes but not agreed upon yet. Trying to avoid a board or HOA type, easements. This will definitely be subject to review by attorney and engineer.

Joe Hirsh, any above ground structure for treatment plan. Haberman, yes there will be. Joe Hirsh Engineer for the board stated this will subject to screening since we don’t have a layout right now.

Ed Fox Planner for the board explained Title 39. Mr. Shimanowitz allows property owner to give PD jurisdiction and the applicant agrees to title 39.

Mr. Fox stated this would need to be recommended to committee would probably be a part of redevelopment plan. It was stated that the applicant did provide plans to Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst already they have not received any comment back at this time. Board Member Durr asked if this project could be supported without the highway. Mr. Haberman stated it could not.

Mr.Haberman reviewed the lighting plan. LED Lighting energy efficient and downward cast non-glare fixtures. 2 types of lights. Poles for parking and wall mount by office areas.

Different height lengths 30’ in height to allow more light in wider loading areas. 25’ is max allowed per redevelopment.

Lighting averages in compliance with township ordinance. Minimum spill over specifically to commercial sites west of site. in a few instances it is slightly over condition of approval to bring those down. will submit to engineer.

Landscaping design perspective explained by Mr. Haberman. The plan was developed by a License Landscape Architect. Varying colors and textures are proposed to help soften the hardness of the buildings. Native plantings to New jersey are planned to be used. A berm of 15’ high evergreen and planting. Same for Southern end of site berm. Both berms are 15’. Amendments to south berm will comply and the applicant’s professional will work with the Board Engineers Office. Chairman Tom Kimball asked if the road furthest to the south will be utilized by trucks and if so will the berm buffer any visibility of trucks. Mr. Haberman stated yes.

Ed Fox Planner for the board asked if all utilities will be below ground? Mr. Haberman stated yes. Ed Fox Planner for the Board asked if all development will have to comply with noise control act of 1971, Mr. Haberman stated yes. The applicant is aware daytime is 65 decibels and night time 55 decibels. Board Member Greg Grauer asked about signage at property. Mr. Haberman stated once tenants are found they will work with Hirsh.

Chairman Tom Kimball stated there will be a 5 Minute Break. Break started at 8:50pm.

Chairman call ed the meeting back to order at 8:56 pm.

Brendan Leadbeader sworn in and accepted as a processional in his field by board. Mr. Leadbeader marked and displayed exhibit A-3 overall park plan and entry design, exhibit A-4 greens and browns to blend in with the landscape and exhibit A-5 showing roof units. It is stated the HVAC units on the roof will not be seen.

Board Engineer stated he has no questions for Mr. Leadbeader.

Traffic Engineer Justin Taylor sworn in and accepted as professional. The applicant is proposing multiple access point on County Route 680 under justification of county and they are in process of perfecting plans with the county. 3 driveways are proposed, south west side will provide access to employee parking to building 2, it was requested that we use Croshaw Road. They plan to improve a section to utilize it. Ownership will be determined with the redevelopment plan. Joe Hirsh Board Engineer stated the Township would have to vacate the road.

Mr. Taylor stated the 30’ isles are sufficient for tractor trailers 134’ depth adequate circulation to loading docks.

Mr. Taylor stated the plan is to have all trucks utilized the entrance and exit on Route 380 only.

Daniel Bloch sworn in and accepted as professional. Mr. Shimanowitz stated there are 2 variances for light poles and light fixtures. The Redevelopment plan allows 25-foot poles max for 18 feet for building. Variances needed. Plan variance lots provided to have direct access to public street. have access to internal driveway. cross easement access. Mr. Taylor light poles need to be taller to provide adequate lighting and meet lighting requirements. If they did not get extra height they would need more poles. There will be no spillover.

Joe Hirsh Board Engineer stated the Fire Official for North Hanover has reviewed and submitted a letter and is ok with the proposed project.

Mr. Shimanowitzz attorney stated they were complete with their testimony at this time.

Chairman Tom Kimball asked about the date for next meeting and thanked everyone for their patients. After discussion Tuesday September 12th @ 7:30 will be next meeting. The Applicant is waiving all constraints for time frame. Mr. Shimanowitz no objection to give board all the time needed.

Public Participation








Russ Comisky


Jim Durr


Ron DeBaecke



Dave Forsyth


Joe Greene


Debbie Kucowski


Patricia Mellor


Jack Smylie


Wayne Voorhees


Greg Grauer



Tom Kimball


Board Discussion








Russ Comisky


Jim Durr


Ron DeBaecke



Dave Forsyth


Joe Greene


Debbie Kucowski


Patricia Mellor


Jack Smylie


Wayne Voorhees


Greg Grauer



Tom Kimball


Adjournment : 9:41 pm








Russ Comisky


Jim Durr


Ron DeBaecke



Dave Forsyth


Joe Greene


Debbie Kucowski


Patricia Mellor


Jack Smylie


Wayne Voorhees


Greg Grauer



Tom Kimball