MARCH 7, 2017, 6:00 P.M.
Mayor DeLorenzo called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.FLAG SALUTE:
Led by Mayor DeLorenzoROLL CALL:
Mayor DeLorenzoDeputy Mayor DeBaecke
Committeeman Doyle
Committeeman Kocubinski
Committeeman O’Donnell
Also Present: Mary Picariello, Acting Township Clerk, Jack Bruno, CFO and Joseph Greene,
: “The provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met. Notice of this meeting has been transmitted by email to the Courier Post, Burlington County Times and The Trenton Times as well as given tothose having requested same and posted on the Township bulletin board located in the foyer of the municipal building”.
PUBLIC COMMENT (EXCLUDES ORDINANCES-they have their own public hearing): Members of the public
wishing to address the Township Committee must state their name and address for the record.
Mayor DeLorenzo opened the meeting to the public. There were no public comments this evening.
Proposed By: Deputy Mayor DeBaecke
Seconded By: Committeeman O’Donnell
Joseph Greene noted the $3068.00 saved from the last budget workshop needs to be placed in another line item. There
was a general consensus to place in the Engineer line item. CFO Bruno gave an explanation of appropriations/revenues.
He noted if things remain as they are currently the budget will be within the 2% CAP. He states .01 equates to $43,000.00
and would be $27.00 tax increase to the average assessed taxpayer. He would be using $375,000 of the $850,000 in
surplus. CFO Bruno gave an explanation of the surplus generation and bond ratings. He stated there is no additional
deferring of school tax this year. He informed the Committee that next year we might have to defer depending on how the
year closes.
CFO Bruno noted there is no Capital in the budget, however there is a reserve for immediate needs. Committeeman
O’Donnell stated Court and JVFC have needs. Committeeman O’Donnell and Chief Benjamin Palombi reviewed various
capital needs. The Committee deliberated and discussed various options and short and long term financial impact. Chief
Palombi also discussed the future needs of the Fire Truck. Committeeman O’Donnell reviewed some of the various
Capital Improvements the Fire Company has made from their funds. CFO Bruno suggested maybe the Company could
contribute to the debt service. Mayor DeLorenzo inquired with CFO Bruno if the Committee would agree how could this
happen. CFO Bruno stated it would be best to include in a Capital plan and none of these numbers would be included in
the budget plan as submitted. The general consensus for the Fire Company was the JVFC would contribute $30,000 and
the Committee would bond for $102,000 for an ambulance (minus the contribution), $59,000 for one command vehicle
and $5,027 for the enclosure for the gator. This would total $136,027. CFO Bruno stated a comprehensive Capital plan is
needed and when this is put together (as there are other needs) we would bond later in the year.
Committeeman O’Donnell discussed the needs of the Court relating to the Bail Reform. He noted this would be about
$3,000.00 plus a Comcast line which could incur a new monthly charge for approximately $100 per month. There was
discussion that this is an unfunded mandate. CFO Bruno believes he could make this work.
Clerk Picariello informed CFO Bruno the information technology needs amounted to approximately $20,000.00. CFO
Bruno also noted debt service is outside of CAP. Deputy Mayor DeBaecke expressed concern over raising taxes and
inquired about sources of revenue. CFO Bruno gave an explanation. Clerk Picariello discussed her need for a fireproof
cabinet and noted the need for an Information Technology person to install these items. CFO Bruno noted the installation
needs can be addressed in Capital.
Mayor DeLorenzo discussed the list from Buildings and Grounds. He stated the roof on the shed needs to be addressed.
He feels a repair and painting is what is needed. The quote for “sealing” would include the painting. Mayor DeLorenzo
noted that was $6,800.00 and Deputy Mayor DeBaecke noted the need for additional quotes. Mayor DeLorenzo noted the
lights out front and recommends $10,000.00. There was also a general consensus to raincoat the oil tank. There was
some discussion regarding the water cooler at the park. Clerk Picariello stated she would look into as part of the park
grant. Deputy Mayor DeBaecke discussed the heating/AC for the sunroom at the Senior Building. There was a general
consensus that this was not needed. Joe Greene, Treasurer, stated the Capital need would be the roof.
At 7:24 pm the Committee took a five minute break. Clerk Picariello reviewed the dates for the introduction and adoption
of the Municipal Budget. Committeeman Kocubinski expressed concern over an Estimated Tax Billing. Clerk Picariello
noted the need to do an estimated billing was not due to the Municipal Budget process but the Counties.
Committeeman Doyle and Chief Wells reviewed capital needs for the Police Department. Chief Wells reviewed his
request relating to information technology. He noted this would include generating revenue for Police reports online and
stated he has approximately 450 annual requests. Committeeman Doyle and Chief Wells reviewed their plan for
addressing the current and future needs for vehicles. Chief Wells noted ultimately a 10 vehicle fleet is needed to have a 5
year turnover. Committeeman Doyle would like to purchase two Tahoe’s via Capital and purchase one sedan this year
and in 2018, lease two sedans. He also noted he was exploring Ford vehicles. Clerk Picariello notes all Capital is
approximately $272,000.00. CFO Bruno noted the annual debt service payments would become part of the operating
budget. Deputy Mayor DeBaecke expressed concern over increasing debt. Committeeman Doyle noted the plan would
not cause deeper debt but flipping it. He also expressed the need for two ballistic shields at approximately $2,000 -
$3,000 apiece. He noted the department currently has none and expressed concern regarding an emergency in a school.
Committeeman Kocubinski inquired if this could be done through operating expenses. Clerk Picariello noted this could
be accomplished through the BCJIF Safety program.
Deputy Mayor DeBaecke expressed some concern over the salary of Joseph Greene and Alexandra DeGood. The
Committee discussed the issue. There was a general consensus to add $2,500.00 to base salary of each, in addition to the
2% previously discussed. The Mayor inquired as to the Chief of Police’s current salary. Committeeman Doyle expressed
some concerns over the NJLOM salary guide of $121,000.00. Deputy Mayor DeBaecke noted, in Burlington County,
salaries were all over the place. Committeeman Kocubinski noted he was not pleased how the salary was derived at
during the appointment and feels it is “soft”. Committeeman Doyle noted a strong Chief is a strong Department. He
would like to factor the operation into the salary decision. He believes $80,000 to $120,000 is not an option and maybe it
could be worked in over a period of time. He inquired what their room is for. CFO Bruno noted he would need to
analyze the contract proposal to determine a value. Chief Wells gave an overview of his salary history and duties. He
also expressed a desire to enter into an agreement. There was a general consensus to have CFO Bruno run some new
numbers and report back. Deputy Mayor DeBaecke again expressed concern over a tax increase. Committeeman Doyle
also noted the position was accepted as “Soft” and would like to see it move forward if possible. Committeeman
Kocubinski discussed summer recreation monies with CFO Bruno and Joseph Greene; Treasurer noted the trust would
handle any deficit.
Proposed By: Deputy Mayor DeBaecke
Seconded By: Committeeman Doyle
Respectively submitted,
Mary Picariello
Acting Township Clerk