North Hanover Township
Burlington County, NJ

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Baseball and Softball        Basketball       Football       Soccer

Baseball and Softball

  1. Player Eligibility: All North Hanover township residents who meet the age requirements for the baseball/softball program. The minimum age is 3 years old on or before May 1st. The table below shows the different levels and minimum age for each level.




Minimum Age





Boys & Girls (Coed)


Age 3yrs on/before May 1st


(~ 1hr each)


3 innings (~1hr)



Boys & Girls (Coed) T-Ball

5 yrs old on/before May 1st


(~ 1hr each)


3 innings (~1hr)



Boys - Baseball

Girls - Softball

Boys - 7 yrs old on/before May 1st

Girls - 7 yrs old on/before January 1st


(~1-1.5hr each)


6 innings (~1.5hr)



Boys - Baseball

Girls - Softball

Boys - 9 yrs old on/before May 1st

Girls - 9 yrs old on/before January 1st


(~1.5-2hr each)


6 innings (~2hr)



Boys - Baseball

Girls - Softball

Boys - 11 yrs old on/before May 1st

Girls - 11 yrs old on/before January 1st


(~1.5-2hr each)


6 innings (~2hr)

13 & O



Boys - Baseball

Boys - 13 yrs old on/before May 1st


(~1.5-2hr each)


7 innings (~2hr)

* Estimates only; Games will typically take the place of a practice. 

  1. Levels:
    1. Wiffleball – Coed, ages 3-4. Introduces children to the basic premises of the game of baseball, hitting, throwing, catching and running. Teams are made of NHT residents and will play games against other local teams.
    2. T-Ball – Coed, ages 5-6. At the T-ball level, instruction continues in the fundamentals of baseball. This level uses an aluminum bat and a baseball (safety ball) and all players hit off a batters tee. Teams are made of NHT residents and will play games against other local teams.
    3. Rookie Ball – Girls and Boys separate, ages 7-8. At the Rookie level, girls will play softball, boys baseball. Players are introduced to live pitching (alternating between kid pitch and coach pitch). Teams are made of NHT residents and will play games against other local teams.
    4. Minor Ball - Girls and Boys separate, ages 9-10. At this level it is all kid pitch. New aspects of the game are introduced (stealing, bunting, etc.) At this level, the league is regionalized and teams are made up of players from all four member NBIAA townships. This maintains parity across the league as well as introduces the players to other children their age that they will soon go to school with. Teams play games against the other regionalized NBIAA teams.
    5. Major Ball - Girls and Boys separate, ages 11-12. The league is regionalized at this level and teams are made up of players from all four member NBIAA townships. Teams play games against the other regionalized NBIAA teams and some local teams from outside the NBIAA.
    6. Babe Ruth - Boys only, ages 13 & Over. The league is regionalized at this level and teams are made up of players from all four member NBIAA townships. Teams play games against the other regionalized NBIAA teams and some local teams from outside the NBIAA.
  1. Season timeline:
    1. Registration period: January 15th through February 22nd
    2. Coaches & Teams selected in February, once registration ends
    3. Individual players contacted by March 1st with team and practice info
    4. Practices start in March, games start in early April
    5. Season finishes by mid-June (before school is out for the summer)
  1. How teams are formed:
    1. Teams at the Wiffleball, T-Ball, and Rookie levels are formed by the selected NHT coaches with guidance from the NHT Baseball and Softball commissioners. Each team will have an equal number of players. Every attempt is made to equally divide the players among all the teams to ensure parity within our township teams. Team size is established to ensure that every player will have an opportunity to play and participate in games. Typically, the maximum team size is 12 players per team. NHT township residents 18 years and older are eligible to be a coach.
    2. Teams at the regionalized level (Minor, Major, Babe Ruth) are formed by the selected NBIAA coaches. There is an assessment process that each player completes and then the teams are picked. NHT township residents 18 years and older are eligible to be a coach at the regionalized level.
  1. League Structure:
    1. League: Our league is the Northern Burlington Instructional Athletic Association (NBIAA) which is made up of the four Northern Burlington sending districts: Chesterfield, Mansfield, North Hanover, and Springfield. We are members of Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken baseball and softball. Representatives from each township recreation committee participate in running the NBIAA. The NBIAA manages the league, provides the scheduling of games and umpires (as required depending on level of play), handles Babe Ruth registration and charter fees, rules for each level, and other aspects associated with providing a successful baseball & softball experience for our youth.
    2. NHT: The township recreation committee handles all registration for North Hanover township residents, selects coaches, manages the NHT facilities and other aspects of the program associated with providing a successful baseball & softball experience for our youth.
  1. Equipment Needed: Children will need baseball pants (usually gray, but can vary depending on the coach) and a baseball glove. Cleats are optional but are recommended (especially at the higher levels). Baseball pants, glove and cleats are all purchased by the participant. The league provides a few batting helmets and bats, however each player is encouraged to bring their own, if possible.
    1. Uniforms (Wiffle, T-Ball & Rookie level): Participants will receive a uniform for their team (shirt & hat) from NHT. Players will need to purchase their uniform socks (color depending on the coach’s preference). Players can keep their provided uniforms when the season ends.
    2. Uniforms (Minor, Major & Babe Ruth): At the regionalized level, participants will receive a uniform for their team (shirt & hat) from the NBIAA. Uniforms are kept by the player at the end of the season.
  1. Parent Involvement
    1. All recreation programs in North Hanover Township are organized and run by volunteers. From the Township’s Recreation Advisory Committee and sports commissioners to coaches, assistant coaches, field cleanup and maintenance, each and every person involved is a volunteer. As with all volunteer organizations strong leadership and involvement from members of the community ensure successful programs for our children. The greatest need is for volunteer coaches. Please consider participating in some way.
      Player registration fee is now being waived for HEAD coaches. Please email prior to registering your child in order to receive the discount code for checkout. (This is for head coaches ONLY).
    2. Coaching requirements.
      i.  All coaches are required to complete a one-time coach's safety training class (Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y  Coaches Certification) to meet compliance with NJ state law for volunteer coaches.  There is no cost for this course.
      ii.  All coaches are subject to a yearly criminal background check.  There is no cost for this.
      iii.  All coaches are required to complete a one-time mandatory concussion training course.  It takes ~1hr to complete.  There is no cost for this course.

Grades Pre-K through 6th.
Any questions or concerns can be sent to:

Northern Burlington Junior Greyhounds

Grades Pre-K through 6th.
Any questions or concerns can be sent to:

Fields and Directions
The North Hanover Twp. Baseball/Softball fields are located at Green Acres Park, next to CB Lamb School at 46 Schoolhouse Road, Wrightstown, NJ  08562.
Google Maps


Summer Recreation Program
Green Acres Park
Sports Registration
Volunteer Form and Information